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Sadly, I am not speaking of the beer.

He has had it before, so it should not be a bad case. This does mean that the next update will be delayed a bit. The pages were already in progress, so the delay will just depend on how long it takes him to get better. So hope he gets better soon!

This coming update (which is already past the sketch phase, so it well in progress) will end the snuggle time and return us to the story at large. I will keep you updated as soon as I know when he will be back in drawing form!

Until then, feel free to donate! Not saying it will make him get better soon, but it can't hurt, right? lol




Get well soon.

William Borden

Well, buy the man some beer (don't forget the lime), drop it off outside his door with appropriate snackage (I'm thinking nachos), and tell him to relax, sleep and don't push it. We'll be here when he's back on his feet.