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Neveen is showing some emotion! Maybe now that she's seen her brother again face-to-face, she is having feelings. All the calm collection gave way for a minute.

This marks the end of this chapter, and we move on to the next one. Which will be... Interesting. So interesting that I probably won't be able to post it on Patreon but we will keep you updated on that.

The written chapter will follow tomorrow after family stuff and some editing takes place. It will be posted here and on AO3.

Don't forget to donate if you can! We're coming up on the end of the year and I'm hoping we can end over $400 again moving into the new year so help us out. :)


And now a word from our artist:
Wrapping up chapter 3.

On to chapter 4.

Okay we start with... oh... oh my... gonna really skirt around the rules of DA and Patreon, FA not so much. How in the hell am I gonna do this?

Also, I need a new Stylus for my tablet one of the two I own has died on me.

Support us.




Leo G.

Well... Things are about to get very interesting.