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Patreons, it's time for another drop box!

Drop your ideas, your wishes, your desires. We got some nice WildeHopps images and a little story to go with one last month, so let's give it another go! Let us know what you want to see drawn or blurbed or both, depending.

Again, the rules are as follows:
Do read them, yes.

1) You must be an active, paid Patreon to drop an idea.

2) Zootopia-Centric ideas. Zoosonas allowed but not guaranteed.

3) No non-WildeHopps. Meaning, no Judy/Nick with anyone else, in threesomes, or other such things. Not our thing.

4) If you have a sexy idea, submit the idea in non-graphic language. If that isn't possible, send a message. This is a PG-13 Patreon and we want to keep it that way. Sexy ideas will be posted on DA and Tumblr.

5) The choice of what is picked is up to Weaver and myself. How many are picked is up to us and not every one will be picked. Don't be afraid to drop multiple ideas. Fun/creative ideas are always a plus!

6) When you drop your idea, do not offer it as an art or writing idea. Just an idea. Weaver and I will pick whatever ideas we feel compelled to work on.

7) Not all ideas will be chosen. This is a drop box for us to pick ideas from, not for us to attempt to draw every one. (See Rule #7)

8) Following the above, this isn't a tier based drop box. All Patreons are free to post in comments. Whether the chosen is a sketch, inked, fully colored, written, whatever, it is the ideas we pick.

9) Very important: This WILL NOT distract us from Sunderance or our other projects. This is actually intended to also help keep us motivated, and sometimes it takes a little kick in the ass to get an artist or writer moving on a big project.

This is for our Patreons, to thank everyone who continues to support us. We deeply appreciate it and love you all for sticking around as long as well have and will continue to!

Now enough reading! Give us your ideas! Annnnnnd go!



Here's a few ideas I had in mind: 1) Inspired by a scene from the movie "Game Night," Judy trying to remove a bullet from Nick's arm in the back of a gas station, but the impromptu surgery isn't working at all, with hilarious results. 2) Nick and Judy lying in bed together, cuddled up and watching a movie on the TV. 3) Nick and Judy working out in the precinct gym.


1) Nick and Judy hit the gym. 2) Small arguments over nothing (and forgiveness) 3) Nick embarrassing himself (and Judy?) in public

Colonel Arbuckle

Nick taking care of Judy (or vice versa) who's laid up in bed with the flu.


+1 to Ozy's gym idea, that or maybe a montage of Judy/Nick jogging in different Zootopia locations/biomes


-Nick reuniting with his family -Nick with Judy’s family on a picnic -Skye at the beach -A young Nick running away -a drawing about the original plot: the T.A.M.E collars -the roles of Nick and Judy switch -A happy moment in Jack’s life


Prompt: Late nights working the streets when you'd rather be anywhere else.