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Hey, all!

Just writing a quick update on Patreon and stuff.

First of all, thank you every single one of you!! for sticking through with me while I've been going through a lot of different stuff irl.

Currently, on a writing spree, that I think is probably not sustainable long term,but enjoying it while I can. Words written this month so far - 19k

In the long run I would probably prefer to switch Lewd succubus and HLMT to five chapters per week so that it would give me more time to write other stories such as Lost Plug.

Also slowly editing my OP loli story, which I wrote years ago and been meaning to put on amazon also for years. The edits are nothing big. Mostly make the tables a little prettier and fix a few grammar mistakes or some wording that pops into my eyes. But also don't want to over polish it as half the charm of that story felt like was the batshit insanity. Hoping to get that done in a week or so.

So, yeah... With any luck, next LP chapters will be next week.

Thank you for reading if you got this far, thank you for your support! And hoping for this writing energy to not run dry too soon.


Alexander Semino

Ever going to revisit/remake your other story demon lord successor? or is that one dropped?


I am toying with the idea of returning to that story. However, it would also involve a complete rewrite from 2nd person to 3rd person (continuing it as a poll story 3 years later would interest only a couple of people at best). And I have already my plate full with several stories + editing the Loli one. After the Loli is published I'll see how I'm holding up with other stories. I also want to write several more chapters of LP and those are 2k each. So rewriting Demon Lord is alive, but down the list