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Obviously not a weekly update, since I haven't done this one for nearly a month. 

Kinda awkward update at Tuesday night (or day depending on who where is located), but wanted to at least write a quickie one since it's literally the end of the month.

Ended up being a hectic month, but excuses, excuses. I am however really glad that I able to spend several last days writing A LOT (by my standards at least) and ended up writing over 10k words in the last week or something, which brought the total word count for this month to 28.4k. Still not nearly as much as i want, but at the very least I made technical increase over the past month (by like 300something words), which was very important for me to keep the trend up and not down.

Going forward, will try to figure out how to finally get back to work on the tentacle and the demon harem story (both of which I ended up ignoring during this month, focusing my efforts to keep the futa updates coming). But I guess I'll write about that a little later after I've had chance to actually sit down with those stories and write a solid few chapters of either of them to see how it's going. So the next update will most likely be about that.

Thank you for your patience! I need to rest my eyes now.


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