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Art by Ron

The night air hung heavy, thick with secrets and shadows, as Jess fumbled with her phone, trying to capture what felt like the last remnants of her sanity. The growl, deep and resonant, reverberated through the alley, a dark promise of what was to come. "It's about four feet high," she whispered into the device, her voice trembling, "three heads... like a Pit Bull from hell."

The creature emerged from the darkness, eyes gleaming with a predatory glow, a monstrosity born from nightmares. Jess's heart pounded, each beat a drum of dread. As the Cerberus lunged, she raised her arm in a futile attempt at defense. Pain, sharp and unforgiving, exploded as one of the beast's heads clamped down, its teeth piercing through flesh and bone.

"Someone, help me! Please!" she cried, her voice a thin thread of desperation. Her strength ebbed, the world narrowing to the snapping jaws and the searing agony in her arm.

Then, like a heroine from an ancient tale, Hobbs burst onto the scene, her war cry piercing the gloom. Gunshots rang out, each one a note in a deadly symphony. Blood sprayed as a bullet found its mark, splattering across Jess in a macabre rain. Hobbs, relentless and fierce, knocked the beast aside and fired again, her shots echoing in the narrow alley. The Cerberus let out a final, agonized howl before collapsing into stillness.

Panting, Hobbs approached the fallen creature, her gun still smoking. "I told you to stay in the fucking car," she said, her voice a mix of relief and exasperation.

Jess, cradling her wounded arm, struggled to sit up. "Shhhh... My arm," she whimpered, the pain now a dull throb.

Hobbs knelt beside her, her eyes scanning for other threats hidden in the darkness. "Are you hurt?" she asked, her tone softening with genuine concern.

"It bit into me. I think my jacket stopped most of it. I’ll be okay," Jess replied, her voice shaky.

"What were you thinking? It could have ripped you to bits," Hobbs scolded, her frustration evident.

"I was trying to help you! You yelled my name and then there was this crash," Jess explained, her words tumbling out in a rush.

"I was calling to you to drive the hell out of here!" Hobbs retorted, shaking her head.

Jess looked at the dead creature, then back at Hobbs. "What the hell is that thing?" she asked, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Hobbs sighed, her gaze darkening. "It’s a Cerberus," she said simply, as if that explained everything.

"Cerberus?" Jess repeated, the name like an echo from a forgotten myth.

"Though it’s probably too late to convince you it’s a mutant dog," Hobbs added dryly.

"Definitely not the weirdest thing I’ve seen," Jess muttered, her mind reeling from the night's events.

Hobbs examined the Cerberus's body, her expression grim. "And too small to be the creature attacking the farms. Or what attacked your friend," she noted.

Jess’s eyes widened as she slipped into investigative mode. "So you HAVE seen the tape?" she asked, pressing for more information.

Hobbs hesitated, then nodded. "Yes. I’ve seen the tape," she admitted.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it. Why? Why lie about it? Why hide the thing?" Jess demanded, her frustration boiling over.

"Because those were my orders," Hobbs replied, her tone resigned.

"Who? Who would order something like that?" Jess pressed, her curiosity insatiable.

"The people in charge. That’s normally how 'orders' work," Hobbs said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Jess thought for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. "Nexus. You’re talking about Nexus, aren’t you?" she asked, her voice low and accusatory.

Hobbs didn’t respond immediately, her silence all the confirmation Jess needed. "You need to drop this," she warned, her voice tinged with something almost like fear.

Jess shook her head, defiance blazing in her eyes. "You have to be. Why else would you have gotten so riled up when I said the name?" she demanded.

Hobbs sighed, knowing there was no turning back now. "You wouldn’t understand," she murmured, her words heavy with unspoken truths.

Jess glanced back at the Cerberus and the carnage around them. "We just fought off a three-headed dog, not to mention I watched my friend mauled by a giant wolf. I think you can assume that my mind is very much open," she said, her tone a mixture of disbelief and determination.

Hobbs looked at her, a complex mix of emotions playing across her face. "You know something you’re not telling me, aren’t you?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

Jess feigned ignorance. "I don’t know what you’re talking about," she said, her voice a little too innocent.

Hobbs gave her a hard look. "Now who’s the one lying? What else have you seen?" she demanded.

Jess hesitated, then decided to try a different approach. "I can’t trust you. Not until you explain to me what the hell is going on," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them.

Hobbs reloaded her gun, her movements deliberate and calm. "You want answers, right? So do I. Come with me," she said, standing up and offering her hand.

"And go where?" Jess asked, not moving.

"To see the person in charge," Hobbs said, already walking away.

Jess sighed, her exhaustion palpable. "Fuck it, why not," she muttered, following Hobbs into the unknown, the shadows closing in around them like a shroud.



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