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Art by Ron

Jess Wilder doesn’t shy away from a challenge. With her long, flowing strawberry-blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, and a determined expression, she exudes a confidence that is hard to ignore. Her athletic build and practical yet stylish clothing speak volumes about her no-nonsense attitude and readiness to dive into the heart of any mystery. As an investigator, Jess has a knack for uncovering hidden truths, and her past has clearly shaped her into the resilient and resourceful woman she is.

In Davidstown, a town teeming with supernatural secrets, Jess’s skills are invaluable. She is fiercely independent, a trait that serves her well in her line of work. But beneath her tough exterior is a deep well of empathy and loyalty, especially when it comes to her best friend, Emily Hargreaves. Emily’s life has been turned upside down by a werewolf curse, and Jess is determined to help her navigate this new, terrifying reality. Their bond is one of mutual trust and support, though the recent events have strained their relationship.

Jess’s journey begins with skepticism. She has always been a logical, evidence-based thinker, and the idea of werewolves seemed ludicrous. But as she witnesses the transformations and the horrors that unfold in Davidstown, her disbelief is shattered. In the early episodes, she is there for Emily, her concern evident as she grapples with the reality of her friend’s situation.

By Episode 3, Jess’s skepticism is fully challenged. Hearing of Emily’s transformation leaves her wondering if her friend has lost her mind, and Jess’s determination to help Emily only grows stronger. This is further cemented in Episode 6 when she follows Emily to the Moors and witnesses a transformation that finally solidifies her belief in the supernatural.

The attack by a Cerberus-like creature in Episode 12 is a brutal reminder of the dangers she faces, pushing Jess further into her role as a protector.

Jess’s investigative skills are unmatched. She gathers information, analyzes clues, and pieces together complex puzzles with ease. Her keen observational skills and sharp intellect make her an invaluable asset in their fight against the supernatural. Her physical prowess and training mean she can handle herself in a confrontation, and her natural leadership qualities often see her guiding her friends through the most difficult situations.

Throughout the first 12 episodes, Jess’s journey is one of transformation. From a confident investigator with a skeptical view of the supernatural, she becomes a fierce believer and protector. Her relationship with Emily evolves, challenging her to confront her own beliefs and loyalties. Despite the escalating dangers, Jess’s determination to uncover the truth and protect those she loves drives her forward.

Jess Wilder is more than just an investigator; she is a beacon of strength and resilience in a world filled with darkness and mystery. Her story is far from over, and as the shadows of Davidstown deepen, she stands ready to face whatever comes next...




At least she changed her views on the supernatural after a few encounters. Dana Scully never really did on X-Files which was bonkers.