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The connection between werewolves and the full moon has been a staple of folklore and mythology for centuries. The origins of this myth can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the full moon was often associated with mysterious and supernatural events.

In ancient Greece, the goddess Hecate was believed to be the patroness of witchcraft and was often depicted with a pack of dogs. This association between Hecate and dogs may have contributed to the idea of humans transforming into wolf-like creatures.

The Roman poet Ovid, in his work "Metamorphoses," tells the story of Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who was transformed into a wolf by Zeus as punishment for his wickedness. This tale further reinforced the connection between humans and wolves in mythology.

In medieval Europe, the belief in werewolves became more widespread. It was thought that individuals could transform into wolves through various means, such as being cursed, bitten by another werewolf, or making a pact with the devil. The full moon became associated with these transformations, as it was believed to exert a powerful influence on the natural world and human behaviour.

The idea of the full moon triggering werewolf transformations may also have roots in the lunar cycle's effects on human physiology and psychology. Some studies suggest that the full moon can influence sleep patterns, mood, and behaviour, which could have contributed to the development of the werewolf myth.

Over time, the werewolf myth has been perpetuated and popularized through various forms of media, including literature, film, and television. The full moon's association with werewolves has become an integral part of the myth, adding to its enduring fascination and appeal.


Jason Michalski

I can’t wait for the transformations but you guys are doing such a great job !!