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Super Moon Suggestion by Dominic Finch

"I think the idea of seeing Jess hiding away from Emily whilst in werewolf form, covered in mud kind of like when Arnold Schwarzenegger hiding from the predator. Just the wide-eyed intensity of that scene was so thrilling to hear, truthfully spooky."

Art by Ron

"Jess lay in the mud, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure the beast could hear it. The fetid stench of the swamp filled her nostrils, making her gag, but she didn't dare move. Every muscle in her body was tense, coiled like a spring, ready to bolt at the slightest provocation.

The werewolf was close. She could hear its heavy, labored breathing, the low, menacing growl that rumbled in its throat. The creature was sniffing the air, trying to catch her scent. Jess knew that if it found her, if it saw her, she was as good as dead.

Seconds ticked by with agonizing slowness. Jess's lungs burned with the effort of holding her breath, her chest feeling like it might explode. But she didn't dare exhale, didn't dare make even the tiniest sound that might give away her position.

Through the gaps in the foliage, Jess could see the beast's glowing eyes scanning the swamp. Its massive, hulking form was silhouetted against the moonlight, a nightmarish shadow that seemed to swallow all hope, its claws and fangs gleaming wetly in the dim light.

Jess's mind raced, desperately trying to come up with a plan. She knew she couldn't outrun the creature, couldn't fight it off. Her only hope was to stay perfectly still, to blend in with the muck and the mire until the beast lost interest and moved on.

But the werewolf was getting closer. Jess could see muscles rippling under its skin as it moved, could hear the snap and crunch of twigs and earth beneath its paws.

It was almost on top of her now, its hot, fetid breath washing over her like a wave of pure, primal terror.

Jess closed her eyes, biting down hard on her lip to keep from screaming. She tasted blood in her mouth, warm and coppery. Every instinct in her body was screaming at her to run, to flee, but she forced herself to remain still, to play dead, to become one with the swamp.

The werewolf paused, its muzzle mere inches from Jess's face. She could feel the heat radiating off its body, could smell the rank, animal musk of its fur. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, teetering on the edge of some unspeakable horror..."

Another great suggestion by one of our Super Moon Members! Make sure to get yours written in the comments of that last SMS post (or via DM) before the end of the month!




Great evil grin on the Emily monster.

dominic finch

OH MY WORD THIS IS AWESOME!!!😆 I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ACTUALLY TOOK MY SUGGESTIONS! And I don't mean that in any way negative, I guess I'm just shocked is all.