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Art by Ron Hubbard

From a private DM Super Moon Suggestions request:

How about Jess turning into a werewolf, like in her nightmare in Episode 7?

"The mist clung to Jess's skin as she stumbled through the moor, the damp earth sucking at her feet with every step. She couldn't remember how she got here, but the sense of urgency propelling her forward was undeniable.

"Emily!" she called out, her voice swallowed by the thick, eerie silence. "Emily, where are you?"

A twig snapped behind her, and Jess whirled around, heart pounding in her chest. But there was nothing there – just the endless expanse of grey, broken only by the twisted silhouettes of ancient trees.

She pressed on, driven by a desperation she couldn't quite understand. Emily needed her, that much she knew. But why? What was this place?

As she crested a hill, a figure came into view – a lone, hunched shape illuminated by the sickly light of the full moon. "Emily?" Jess whispered, her voice trembling.

The figure turned, and Jess's blood ran cold. It was Emily, but not as she knew her. Her eyes gleamed an unnatural yellow, her face contorted in a snarl that was more beast than human.

"You did this to me," Emily growled, her voice a guttural rasp. "You ruined everything!"

Jess stumbled back, shaking her head in disbelief. "No, Em, I– I didn't mean to–"

But Emily was advancing, her body twisting and shifting with each step. Fur sprouted from her skin, her limbs elongating, her teeth sharpening into vicious fangs.

Jess turned to run, but it was too late. The beast that had once been her friend was upon her, claws tearing into her flesh, hot breath on her neck. She screamed, but there was no one to hear her – just the impassive moon and the hungry moor, eager to swallow her whole.

Jess heard Emily's voice one last time, a whisper that chilled her to the bone: "Now you'll suffer, just like me."

With trembling hands, Jess examined the cuts on her arm. The gashes were deep, the skin around them already beginning to pulse and burn with an unnatural heat. 

As she stared at her hands, a scream lodged in her throat. Her eyes, once a familiar blue, now gleamed an eerie yellow. Her teeth felt too large for her mouth, her gums aching as if something was pushing outward from within.

"No," she whispered, watching in horror as coarse hair sprouted from her wound. "No, this can't be happening."

But it was. With each passing second, Jess could feel the change overtaking her. Her bones shifted beneath her skin, her muscles rippling with a strength she had never known. The air filled with the sickening sound of tearing fabric as her body outgrew her clothes.

She wanted to scream, to cry out for help, but all that emerged was a guttural growl. The beast within her was awakening, hungry and eager to run free.

As the transformation consumed her, Jess's last human thought was one of terrified understanding – Emily's curse was now her own. The nightmare had only just begun, and the moon, that cruel, watchful eye in the sky, would bear witness to it all.

The moor was calling, and the wolf within her was eager to answer..."




Great stuff. Wolves are pack animals after all.

Crow Dog

This would make a cool story arc for a season! Jess gets turned at the beginning and is cured by the end of the season. Maybe a story line where Emily has to choose between saving Jess or her self.


A curse like that wouldn’t have a “cure” tbh, not in this series anyway.