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I got chills seeing this piece of concept work we've had made for putting the live pilot episode together, depicting what it might look like as Emily's bones shift, and her body begins to grow in horrific ways!

Speaking of which, we're entering a new phase of developments and testing with makeup effects which we hope we can share with you all in the near future. :) More concepts to come soon!

- Erin

"The ticking of the clock echoed through the living room as Emily sat calmly, reaching for her glass. Taking a sip, she sighed and placed it back down. She pressed a button on her phone, and it beeped. "Recording," the phone announced.

"Where was I?" Emily paused for a moment. "Right. The first time. The night everything changed... really changed."

Her mind drifted back to that night. She had finally been convinced to get out and live a little, frequenting clubs and bars. As she walked home, heeled footsteps pacing down the street, something felt off. It wasn't the animal attack from two weeks prior that bothered her; by this point, it didn't even cross her mind.

Emily entered her house, sighing as she placed her keys on the side. Her cat meowed expectantly. Throughout the day, sounds had grown louder, colors more vivid, and smells more potent. It was as if her senses had been dialed up to 1000.

As she sat on the sofa, rubbing her head, her cat's purring intensified. Emily's breathing quickened, and she wiped her brow. "Fuck... Why is it so hot in here?" she wondered aloud.

Suddenly, her body began to change. Her chest flew forward as her back violently shifted, accompanied by a sickening crunch. It felt like a lifetime's supply of adrenaline had been dumped into her system. Emily staggered around the room, pulling at her top, tearing it away as her skin soaked with sweat.

Her hands began to grow, bones and flesh stretching and reforming, nails splintering as claws emerged. It wasn't pain she felt, but a white-hot surge pulsing through her, as if something else was fighting for control.

Catching her reflection in the mirror, Emily saw long, pointed ears appearing through her hair, and large fangs protruding through her lips. Her eyes had turned a golden yellow, the whites now a deep black. The room seemed to shrink as she grew larger, her clothing buckling and tearing under the tension of her rapidly growing frame.

Black hair slowly pushed and pulsed from her arms, shoulders, and chest. Words became difficult as her voice deepened, grunts and growls replacing speech. Falling forward, her back bulged and swelled as her spine and shoulders pushed outwards.

The word "monster" ran through her mind as hair poured from her skin, covering her body in a thick matte. Her ears grew larger, pushing back as her neck and torso stretched and thickened. With a sudden halt in her breathing, her nose and mouth cracked and stretched forward. She roared loudly.

"I need to HUNT," the thought consumed her.

The beast rose, its hulking form breathing and growling deeply.

Back in the present, Emily's hands shook as she held her phone. "Fuck..." she whispered, pressing the record button once more.

"I know you're going to think I'm crazy. I wouldn't blame you. But Jess... I need your help. I need to show you that I'm not out of my mind. That I really am a... a monster."

She sent the message and waited, trembling as the clock ticked in the background. A beep signaled a new message. Emily pressed play.

"Stay right there. I'm on my way," Jess's voice reassured her.

The ticking faded out, and Emily was left to face the reality of her transformation."




I love these. Please do more

Crow Dog

Same. These posts keep the anticipation up! Thank you.