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  • Haraguro Training 2 Test2.mp4
  • Haraguro Training Draft Step 1.mp4
  • Untitled.mp4



This and the Jill project I should have done soon.  I've been working with elements I'm unfamiliar with and was also testing out flip fluids.

I've also figured out a way to compress the file sizes of the wips so they aren't so heavy because damn near  80mbs for a WIP SHOULDNt be the case and I APOLOGIZE FOR IT. So I've compressed it!

any future wips ill compress as well for ease of use and to not be so demanding in terms of download size because its a hassle for me to upload and its a hassle for you to download cause thats space that could be used with something else!

This animation alongside the Jill Patreon poll animation, and the Cloud X Aerith animation are all lined up to be done. All thats left is to fix up small maintenance this weekend and rendering out all 3. The Cloud Animation will prob be done first before the Jill, while this animation will be done last.

Reason being, I'm trying out flip fluids with this animation and I made it my goal to at least try to incorperate flip fluids into my animations this year to actually try to do cumshots, squirt, or other things just to add spice.

Anyway....Below is the Viewport render drafts. Both have sound so watch with low volume and or with headphones.

EDIT: Added the second to last draft since I got sound help from Saberwolf! I should be done with this one I write up the script and send it over to Cinder, animate scene 3 and then i'm done! SORRY FOR THE REALLY LONG WAIT ON THIS, my job finally finished open enrollment so Ill have time to wrap these animations up.



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