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Was working on this animation for like a real long time this week. It's one of the longer animations I've done.

LorianLoc helped a lot with this by...doing the Sounds and Voice work too! She was also super dope to work with too. Really nice and chill. Not much to say about this other than this was my first time doing lip syncing and it was a lot of fun, I won't lie. I might do more of it in the future. 

I think I do better when I have a clear idea after I do the animation itself. I think thats the best way to handle things in general, huh? I know some people do both like...Either get the audio first, and animate around it, or the other way around.

Once she sent me the audio, I just lip synced around that and handled it from there! Hope you like! Anyway, enough jargon. Here's the Links!

Original Twattor Post! 


Lorian's Twitter! Give her a follow if you haven't! She's pretty dope, also really friendly. An honest to god sweetheart and this isn't my horny brain saying this.

OH EDIT: A friend of mine SFMnewbie helped with the lighting and it came out great, go give them a follow as well! 

The updated version of it is here!  



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