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So! My mom's surgery went without a hitch. Thanks to everyone who wished me well either here, discord, or on twitter. She's going to be out on her butt for the next 6 weeks, and can't do much without me around, so I'll be taking care of her primarily on my own. A lot of tears shed and lack of sleep is oof...Anyway. That's taken care of. Onto the nitty gritty.

I announced in the discord that i'm opening emergency comms. I didnt make the announcement on twitter because it's for the best (since most of you I know) and its better for you guys to get the heads up first. Got a few already lined up, but things are tight since I had to take time off of work >< SO here's the comm info if you're interested.

Commission Info!

$80 for 6 seconds max

$150 for 30 at most for a quick snapshot (With two chars involved)


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