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"I told you that they liked me more, Tara."

"You're mental, Rina."

"Look at us. Which one of us took more cum shots? Clearly I'm the better sister here."

Altaira Malfoy shot an indignant look over at her sister and then gave Carina a slow once over before realizing... the blonde was right. And it wasn't by a spurt or two, either; there was noticeably more cum on Carina than there was on her. Huffing, Altaira looked away from her gloating sibling and sniffed haughtily. "Well, you wouldn't have gotten anything if it wasn't for me talking them into playing with you. So there."

Even as the other boys snickered at the byplay, shooting amused looks back at the kneeling pair of girls as they headed for the Room of Requirement's exit, Harry Potter made his way over to stand in front of the pair. Wrapping an arm around Tracey Davis's waist as she sidled up on his right, he looked back and forth between the sisters in bemusement before inclining his head in Altaira's direction. "She's the better sister."

Pumping her fist in the air triumphantly, Altaira let out a delighted whoop even as Carina snorted and crossed her arms over her cum-splattered chest. "Yes, because you're clearly an impartial judge in this matter. Cough Tara's fiancée cough."

"The two of us being engaged has nothing to do with it." Harry turned and brushed a kiss against Tracey's temple before nodding in the redhead's direction for Carina's benefit. "I've told Tracey that she's better at things than Altaira-"

"Also your fiancée."

"And I've told other girls that they're better than either of my fiancées. That being said? Altaira wins by default because I'm not bringing my todger anywhere near you." Pulling away from Tracey, Harry closed the two steps remaining between him and Altaira before offering her a hand up. "And Carina, even if you're almost as pretty as Altaira these days? Given who you used to be, I'd be so worried that you'd bite it off or something that I'm not sure I could stay hard long enough for you to give it a suck."

Taking the proffered hand, Altaira beamed as she rose to her feet and followed Harry back over to where Tracey was waiting. If she hadn't been in an exceptional mood because of the fun she'd just had... fun that Harry didn't just allow but actually encouraged because he was for anything that made her happy even if 'anything' was getting cum on by a bunch of their friends? Hearing that he found her prettier than Carina would have done the job nicely. Given how similar they were, he could have treated them like the Carrow or Williams twins and demurred when asked to pick a favor. But he hadn't. He'd picked her. And when it came to anything even remotely relationship-oriented, he was honest to the point of being painful. If he found Carina more attractive? He would have admitted as much.

She'd learned that the hard way the first time she pitted herself against Tracey to see whose outfit he preferred.

And the second time.

The third time, she'd won by dint of flaunting more cleavage than Tracey had possessed at the time.

Pulled from her thoughts by the feeling of Tracey's tongue against her cheek, Altaira giggled softly and turned her head to give the taller girl better access, her eyes landing on her disgruntled sister. "Oh, for the love of... are you still holding my Draco time against me? Of course I was a little shit for those two years. I was eleven and twelve. I'm obviously not the same person anymore. But even if I was? I would still give you a world class blowjob and then ride you until you begged for mercy. I might ruin the afterglow by cursing you, but I take my cock servicing seriously thank you very much."

That brought Tracey's enthusiastic licks to an abrupt stop, the redhead turning to stare at Carina incredulously even as Altaira did likewise. Harry raised an eyebrow before letting out a decidedly uncomfortable chuckle. "Uh, so noted. Still not going to shag you."

"Worried you might like it?"

"...if it'll shut you up? Sure, let's go with that."

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