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Every so often, I like to go back and revisit an older piece of my artwork to see how I've improved. For the first time ever, I've opted to do it with one of my adult pieces. Namely, the 2009 piece "House Goo Girls". In this case, it's not only a stylistic revision but a chance to chart how some of the characters that Joe and I play with on a regular basis have grown and changed. Two of the originals... well, I no longer have the PSD and he didn't take notes on things back then, so they got replaced outright because if we can't even tell who they were supposed to be, clearly they're not important. Two of our regular OCs - Wanda Leyshon and Altaira Malfoy - got added to fill those holes. Heh. Fill holes. #innuendo Luna got upgraded from "slightly weird girl" to "hot jötunn girl" to match the version that we use in Joe's Harry Potter and the Wand of Uru among others. Then I promoted my self-insert from being stuck in the back to up front on the left, returned her to the hair color I had at that age, and added the eye patch because... well, I have one in real life. Don't run with scissors, boys and girls. And finally Lara on the right got some extra detailing work after Joe hurled his research on piebaldism at me; it's a disease with symptoms that are very different from person to person, but at least now we have a realistic and definitive look for hers.



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