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Hello dear Patrons!

I'm writing this cause I realize it's been a while since I asked your opinion on my Patreon page and I do think your feedback would greatly help ^^

So the question today is, are you satisfied with the current system ? (Aka one main angle, different angles for normies and different poses for biggos)

Do you like this actual system? Are there other rewards you'd like to see ? Is the price fair for to you ? Would you like to see other form of content ?

Tell me what you think about all that, don't be shy, I'll take all your comments in consideration, you guys' support greatly help me everyday so I wanna give back to you by improving as best as I can!

Comment down below what you think about the current page and let me know what would you like to change or done differently ^^

Thank you for your support and have a wonderful day!



Yeah to ad alts of the pictures without the Tiny's. If possible of course.


That would require a lot more time cause that means twice more renders to do, so twice more rendering time.

Tiny Scribe J

I'm overall quite satisfied. The pictures are wonderful, and the alts are a good bonus. I especially love the zoomed in one's, since I love size/scale difference. I have no complaints with your current system.