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The foolish girl thought she could trust Julie but ended up in her trap, she wasn't suspecting anything when getting inside Julie's apartment, everything was going fine between the two ladies until Julie pulled out a strange device and "shot" her "friend" in the chest, the girl would soon feel dizzy and nauseous before fainting on the couch.

Unconscious, the woman slowly shrunk out of her clothes that remained on the couch, Julie carefully caught the girl with her hand and placed her on a table before placing a glass on top of her, that done, Julie grabbed the remaining clothes and went to store them upstairs.

The cold surface of the table didn't take long enough to wake up the now very small girl, it took her a moment to be able to stand up with all the dizziness she was feeling, the blurry vision didn't help either, once back on her feet, the tiny lady notices the walls of glass around there, looking up she quickly realizes she's inside a glass completely trapped, she started panicking, banging her fists on the glass screaming for help understanding that she shrank down.

Julie came back from upstairs at that moment noticing the girl finally awake in her glass prison. "Oh hey you're awake, that's great!" The small woman fell on her butt as the massive stature of Julie now faces her. Julie let her body drop on the couch with a big sigh of relief.

The lady would stand up again and looks at Julie's massive face. "Wh..What have you done to me? Why am I this size ? What happened?" Julie bent down to bring her face closer to the glass, this simple motion was enough to make the tiny girl go quiet, a smile suddenly appears on Julie's face as she replies "I needed someone to test my new shrinking device and you were the perfect test subject."

The little woman couldn't believe what she just heard. "Well... Can you restore my size now please...?"

Julie giggled at her question. "Why would I do that ? You're su much cuter that way, besides.. I always wanted a little girl all for myself, you'll see, you'll enjoy your new life~"

The tiny started to tear up trying to push the glass away in vain. "I'm begging you, please... I want my life back!"

"Beg me all you want little one, you're not getting out of here... You belong to me now, forever."

Render + story for my good friend Julie ^^

Alternative available to normies ^^




Holy Crap!! This story is AMAZING!! AAARRGGHH I love it so much and the perfect render to go with it ^^ This is truly a magnificent amount of work!