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It was a busy day as usual for Appy, it has been her routine for two years now constantly running around working on multiple things at the same time, it became really rare for her to have a moment for herself, but today was about to be different, few days ago Appy bought herself some tiny servants on the web to enhance her little moments of respite.

As soon as break time was happening, Appy went to her private quarters and sat on the first chair on her way, she took and deep breath and release her new little "friends" from their cages and gave them instructions on a strict and direct tone.

"Listen you bugs, I only have 30 minutes, I want my shoes to be polished by then or I'll have to get rid of you all."

She didn't let any emotions appear on her face even though she was quite excited about this new experience. The small beings would quickly start working fearing the giant heeled shoes of the giant woman and Appy would quietly look at them working on her platforms.

Something would catch Appy's attention, the small one taking care of the left shoe dared to take a break and rest his arms on the edge of the platform, without saying a thing, Appy quickly raised her foot to cross her legs, the tiny got caught by surprise and ended up dangling in the hair holding the edge of the platform for his life.

"If you're too lazy to work you'll have to double the effort to stay alive..."

No emotions could be felt in the lady's voice, she had too many other things to consider than her servant's health and well being.

The two other small working on Appy's right shoe went much faster seing the lack of empathy and the fate the towering lady had for lazy workers, they were panting, making the massive platform shine as much as possible hoping for these 30 long minutes to end quickly with their owner satisfied.

Hope you enjoy the render and the little story ^^

Two alts available for normies+




Great story! 🤗