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Hi everyone!

It's the last day of November, which means that it's another installment of Q&A day that Sprial definitely didn't forget to schedule again and it is totally on time (I'm sorry, one day my life will come together LOL).

The November Q&A edition is here with another full installment with everyone's answers in one post for easy reading. This month we're here to answer the month's question:

"Share some of your fav Pokemon - bonus if you can build a team and what kind of trainer you want to be!"


Grew up as a kid watching Animal Planet instead of cartoons as a kid so I used to gravitate towards all the four-legged Pokemon based off animals or birds. If we’re going with a theme, I’d probably be a flying type themed trainer.

-Jeff submitted the below graphic to answer the question because he came prepared for this answer-


If I could have a team of just buff bidoofs, I would.

That last line somehow feels like a super villain quote... 


People already know I'm going to say Pikachu. Other Pokemon I like a lot: Poliwag, Plusle/Minun, Bidoof, Chikorita, Bulbasaur, Ralts and Munchlax. If I was a trainer, I'd probably want to be a scientist themed one so I can have a mix of friends LOL

My favourite game was Emerald so I'm super attached to some of the Pokemon from there. I feel like Jefferz's graphic is putting us to shame LOL so I'll steal a few things from there:
Fav birb: Pidgey
Fav Pikachu Clone: I actually really like Mimikyu and Pachirisu
Fav Eeveelution: Umbreon
Fav Starter: I love Bulbasaur so much thought shout out to Squirtle, Chikorita and Torchic as runner up favs.

That's it for this Q&A! We'll be back next month with another segment - be sure to keep your questions coming in if you want us to answer anything.

Christmas countdown begins!

Have a great day everyone!


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