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Hi everyone!

It has been a while since our last post, but I wanted to update you on the patreon changes that we were talking about from the last post (#3 because I remembered to number them)!

From next week (w/c 29th August), the Patreon will be switching from paying "per cover" to "monthly" - we have been conscious that we have a lot of songs coming up and a big backlog we've been trying to get posted, which explains the sudden influx of content (we have had a few months of posting two covers or more a month). We don't want to bankrupt you all by posting multiple covers a month, but we want to keep bringing you as many songs as possible so we've decided to switch to a monthly system to ensure we're not overcharging anyone and we can keep the uploads consistent.

This will decrease our overall funding, but we think it'll be a fairer system going forward and maybe this will help people move to the other tiers if that suits them better!

We hope you are all okay with the change and please give us any feedback! We'd love to add more tiers in 2023 so let us know what kind of rewards you'd be interested in!

Thank you to everyone for supporting us! I hope you all have the best day!

- Spiral


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