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So this post is a little different from our usual update posts and is a bit of a longer read (hopefully not a down-er read too). If we still had a tumblr for the group, we'd probably post this there but since re:TYE doesn't have a tumblr or a website, it's going here instead!

I know some people have been wondering what factors determine which covers are re-released through re:TYE. While the popularity of the original cover on TYER plays a big role in the decision, the biggest factor is usually we prioritize covers that were personal favorites of ours and if the original vocalist is able to return for the re-release or not. Right now we're in a comfortable spot where we're starting to pick personal favorites i.e. Mero's pick on Nichijou OP1, Jeff definitely wouldn't have picked this normally... (jk jk i love you mero hahaha).

By far the biggest hurdle with the TYER re-releases is trying to bring back the original vocalist and to make deadlines work with their recording schedules. Truth be told, a big chunk of TYER's covers are unfortunately in limbo because the original vocalist is not available or does not want to return, and that puts us in an uncomfortable situation requiring us to recast the song if selected (and hope you guys don't mind the replacement). There are also some songs that came out so well originally that we feel even with better audio quality today, a re-release and recast may sound inferior to the original cover and that's kind of a big let-down for all of you looking forward to the cover and to the staff working on the revamped version. We definitely see the messages and comments requesting certain covers but more times than not, there's a specific issue with the original vocalist or limitations music-wise that prevents us from picking them.

On a more positive note, now that we're not struggling to stay afloat with the production costs, we can start upping the amount of TYER covers to work on! We started that last batch of songs over the last two weeks and hopefully it'll be the start of more! I can't say if it's the same for everyone (even though I think it is), but I (Jeff/Jefferz) definitely enjoy working on TYER re-releases for the nostalgia and all the good memories. Hopefully we'll have more happy TYER-related announcements soon! Thanks for supporting us!


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