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[Briefing]s will replace General, Text Reports and other short posts, putting them all in one post.


The Wiki is up and functional. It can be entered through here: KATALISTWIKI

Aside from the base pages others have already started adding pages, you can add info on any page and create new ones.

I'll try not to add much aside from the base stuff myself as it would kind of defeat the purpose.

If you have problems or requests, you can use the channels on Discord or DM me.

・Next Update

The coming update is an Early Update, Focused on Tracy, as she won the last Decisional Poll. The update after this is a Main Update; the ones after are Early Updates.

More info on Polls during Main Updates below, under the 'Kinks Decisional Polls' Title.

・Kinks Decisional Polls

Based on some suggestions, and the fact that Polls would have to keep off otherwise while making Main Updates, I'll add a 'Kink-Specific Poll' between Main Updates and Early Updates, as some wanted an update that included one or more scenes including a specific Kink, but doing only those would impact variety in scenes, so:

When the next update is a Main Update, a Decisional Poll involving Kinks will take place, and the Decisional Poll right after will be of Characters including 1 or more scenes involving the Winning Kink.

So, for example: 'Feet' wins the Kinks Decisional Poll, the next Decisional Poll would have

Vhidna, Dixie, Ayleen, and/or any other character that would have 1 or more scenes involving 'Feet' in their Focused(Early) Update.

This way, 1 in 3 Polls have more control over which Kinks are shown.

Note that this doesn't affect other Polls.

・Decisional Polls Durations

Based on feedback, while the suggested 1 week sounds too short to me and could be missed, I will leave the 1st and last 7 days of the month free, making the polls last for the weeks in-between.

For example, the coming poll starts on the 8th and ends on the 23th.

This way any operation you need to do, you can do without worries.

・Edge Points

Based on feedback, while they may again change based on necessities and/or quantity, the Edge Points will most likely always look as such:

2nd: +3

3th: +2

4th: +1

5th: +0.5(half point)

There will be no change to the Point obtained up until now.

Just for a refresh, here's the current table:

Macky= 4 Points

Cho= 3 Point

Creeps= 2 Points

Vhidna= 1 Point

Dominic= 1 Points

Also, unless otherwise necessary, characters that get votes at all will also most likely reappear in the following Polls, whereas ones that get none will most likely be rotated.


Thank you, see you soon.



oh no a wiki with lore? damn my weakness, guess i will read for hours without stopping :D