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Hi, the update is in the next days, I'm a bit late again. 

This version includes 2 Mobs, the Remakes of Vhidna, some scenes, fixed/tweaked Macky's Routes, the fixed Main Story, and other misc/side stuff alongside some base changes; I may be forgetting some other things rn but it's not much different than what I previously reported. I did want to finish more hence why I'm late.

The full changelog with explanations will be in the release post.

As said before, this 1st test version is mainly to have a Stable; once this test version is deemed as such I'll start adding the next stuff, and hopefully be done with 0.096 as a whole soon after. 

This is the last report on this version, the next post will be the Release one.

Thank you.




Um... Can you tell me how long it takes to come up? It's so good that I can't wait.


How long will it be uploaded on the earliest date?


As for the date Id say Monday through Wednesday guys


looking forward to it


I really want to know what is “the next days”.need another month?


Let him some time man ! He provides us with top quality. I'd rather wait until everything is perfect.

Lemniscate Libido

Easy too say, I've been waiting a loooooong while now. This update, as long as I've been waiting. Must be some top knotch never before seen stuff.


thirsty slaves need to know their place.