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Hi, first report with small preview.

-What is currently being made for V0.096:

Alex (Optional Boss), Implet (Fight), Horny Ghost Lady (Fight), Vhidna's remakes, Lucy (Fight), Coin Pixie (Fight), 1 Student, Others(will preview in next posts), scenes.

Overall, while the last updates were mostly about reworking systems and stuff, this is focused on adding more H content, fights and just content in general.

As to why I've decided to add them all now; these combined with the update after this one(Vhidna's expansion) are most of the doable things I had planned be avaiable before v0.1.

I'm also testing some base system changing stuff.

As for V0.1, I think it's clear already by how I'm making these versions, but V0.1 is sort of a very important update.

As for more details and the date, I would prefer taking care of the moving out procedures first, not that I really have a choice since I'll have to wait for the Wi-Fi once I'm out(I move out at the end of the month). Once I'm done with that I'll write another post such as this with either another small preview or the Preview&Report post in case I'm finishing.

Updates on schedules and the such will be written in aforementioned post.

And yes I'm moving out, which is one of the things that's been keeping me busy lately, alongside others; but to keep it short: I am no longer a student. Leaving aside the circumstances and my personal thoughts; just let me move out and get everything set up; the schedule will be back to a more regular pace since I'll have more time and way less stress.



Lemniscate Libido

Ghost Lady have shmexy scenes? If so I'd imagine them to involve some blood. Simply because of how she is and what she is known for "beheading da homie".


can't wait :)


hopefully the ghost will suck our soul out, in a good way :P


oh? I hope theres more ayeen and furniture scenes eventually D= just based on that one pic and hopefully oneday scenes based on interacting with objects found at their place!


Take your time and just focus on making the great content the you normally make. There’s no need to turn this into a chore and less of something that you enjoy doing. We all hope the best for you

Lemniscate Libido

Im still excited, it is now Feb.4....cant wait.