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[Important Decisional Poll] Next Version Skip

  • Skip to 0.1 131
  • Don't skip to 0.1 22
  • 2024-08-07
  • —2024-08-14
  • 153 votes
{'title': '[Important Decisional Poll] Next Version Skip', 'choices': [{'text': 'Skip to 0.1', 'votes': 131}, {'text': "Don't skip to 0.1", 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 14, 22, 38, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 7, 22, 21, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 153}


Hi, this is a poll to let you decide if I should skip to V0.1 directly after this update.

V0.1 would, aside from main progression and bosses, also contain Macky's Update and another chosen from another Decisional Poll.

After taking everything into consideration, new systems and remakes/fixing that would have needed to be done anyway, discussion started that it would be better to skip to V0.1 directly after 0.098 is released. The systems, graphics and scenes added would be adding to the already chosen Macky expansion and pretty much all characters, on top of making the further content swifter, making an overall big leap. Basically, taking more time right away to take less time in the future.

From all the additions that need to be made, V0.1 would likely require a new save, it wouldn't be pleasant to restart Macky's route/s from the beginning. Or any other route for that matter.

A lot of the old code I made when I was a noob is coming back to slow me down from how spaghetti-ish it is, and the same can be said for many CGs and scenes.

So, what would you prefer? Should I skip the versions after this one and work on V0.1?



He's just asking if he should make another big update? Because i don't really understand. If is it the case for me alpha 0v3 beta 1.5 AAA finnishing product of 2.5000.1 are the same thing it's just a brand label to sell to low mind people Update are update, big and lil one, and it's not the first time a big update about game improvement will often need a new save, as teary allready done very well Just don't make too many update who need a new game close to each other, or that can bother player who will do early game content eavrytime to see your great work. Btw thanks for you come back, finally some quality gaming and more, f95 is so full of shit when it come about gaming and femdom, for me your the only one who "made a game", even if using rpg, you do it well, use very good (computer hand?) draw, and you have your style, not 3dcg shit who just look unalive, everything thing is so good about this game and his femdom content


I think redo-ing old newb problems is definitely worthwhile, but you should probably split the work up, and do as much as possible up until an update that will make new saves needed. Either that or say fk it, build a good system that can be used long into the future, and take the time for it now! No reason to delay the inevitable