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Full Length and Unedited. Watch along and sync up with your own Streaming Service or copy of the Bluray.


RAW - Community 6x01


Jennifer Doolittle

Ok Newf. Since you appear to be a bit discouraged about the final 6th season, which is understandable. Might be my fault, sorry. But let me tell you what I've read recently... Remember the 6 seasons and a movie reference through out the series. It has been confirmed that The Community Movie is actually in the works, and cast members Jeff, Britta, Abed, Shirley AND Troy are cast in it!!! Rumors still about who the non-study group are still questionable.

Jennifer Doolittle

Prof Duncan, the Dean, Chang, Starburns, Magnitude (Pop-Pop!) Garett, Prof Garretti, Vickie, Todd, and the janitor that tried to convert Troy to plumbing.

Edward Spurrell

I'm not discouraged, but I do miss Pierce and Troy. But I'm still loving the show. Yeah I heard about the movie! I'll be checking it out for sure! Can't wait.