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Starting with Cocaine Bear, I'm trying out this new editing style for my reactions. I can edit a movie reaction in about half the time using this method. So as long as I don't get copyright issues with this method, I'll be using it going forward so that I can push to double the amount of content! For those wondering, the reason my older method required so much time, was I had to realign every scene, frame by frame to fit the subject on the screen, and to be sure the movie was not covered by my webcam. I really hope this new method works out. I'll keep ya posted. LOTS of content coming starting in September!



Jennifer Doolittle

I was really surprised at how funny Cocaine Bear was! Can't wait to see your reaction Newfie!

Edward Spurrell

Yup! It had me laughing. It's available for Early Access now, watch it whenever you have the time. It's fun. :)