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  • Trendy: Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams at The Grammy Museum
  • Music Poll: Eleven Past One - The World Is Ours
  • Artist Poll: Miley Cyrus - Stay
  • Variety Poll: 10 Funniest Moments In Talk Show History

The Artist specific poll next week will be PENTATONIX. Send your suggestions.

Be sure to send me your poll suggestions before 10:00 am Monday for the next set of polls.  If I don't hear from you, I'll put the same suggested video that you had in the prior week in the upcoming pool of songs to draw from. Any artists/channels listed above as a winner cannot be on the poll again next week, as they cannot win two weeks in a row.




It wasn’t my song or suggestion, but for the Trendy wasn’t Shawn winning and then a tie happened late at night or early morning hours? Because when I checked out who was winning before bed it was Shawn! Just thought it was odd you picked Taylor!

Edward Spurrell

Hey Raura. It was a tie between Shawn and Taylor. As I have always done in the event of a tie I randomly roll to determine the winner. Sometimes we have 3-way ties and once we even had a 4-way tie. I rolled and the die gave it to Taylor. No worries, I'm sure Shawn win it again soon enough.


All I was trying to say it seems unfair for a song or suggestion no matter who it is to be winning throughout the week and then last minute come to a tie and for the other one to win! Maybe the one winning throughout the week should win in a last minute tie!