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My sweet girl passed away yesterday. She was 19 and put up a long, hard fight. I'm going to miss you every day of my life, little baby. Thank you for spending your life with me.

I felt weird putting this on patreon because I wanted to keep this as like a silly smut space and didn't want to upset people who weren't prepared to see it, but I wanted everyone to know I'm gonna be pretty fucked up for a bit. I owe you all a lot. You've been so patient with me.

I've felt... angry, at my art, for awhile. Part of it is dissatisfaction, like I feel like everything I draw, I could have done it better, if I was just a better artist. Part of it is anger that I'm drawing silly stuff that doesn't reflect what I'm feeling, because I've been feeling a lot, for a while. She's been with me since she was a kitten, for almost 20 years she has been with me, laying next to me on the couch while I draw, bumping against my feet at my desk. All these little things scattered through my house, all the extra ways we tried to make her comfortable and happy. The last few years of her life have been so hard. I knew it was coming, and it's been so hard. 

But I love silly shit! I love drawing silly shit! I don't want to be angry, I want to make fun stuff that makes people happy. I'm going to see a piece of art sometime soon that makes me smile again, and I want to do that for other people. I want to get back to that place. I'm going to. 



Eddie Parker

Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry I’ve been a bit tied up in my own things I hadn’t seen this post. I lost my cat Jack after 21 years to a brain tumour and we had to put him down a few years ago. It was hard for me and my Dad, I returned home and we buried him in his favourite spot. He was a farm cat with a job but also a companion to our family and had lived with me, slept in my bed most my life and would have come with me if I thought he’d tolerate living inside. (Any cat I get in the future will be indoor only) I just am so sorry you lost your furry friend! Take all the time you need dude 💕 pets are part of the family after all 😢

Sakari Singh

I’m so sorry, it’s so devastating to loose a companion.


I haven't been on Patreon since October I think? So I didn't see this until now but I still want to say I'm sorry for your loss and she's beautiful.