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Hey all! Just wanted to let you guys know about some posting breaks coming up!

First off, I'm taking off posting next week, December 5-9. I had planned to take off the end of December instead of the beginning but I'm super behind the updates for next month so taking it now should help me get ahead a bit. 

Also, I'm going to be taking a posting break for the full month of January. This is for the same reasons; when I started Patreon I had awhile to build up content and was almost a full month ahead of all updates. But now, I'm barely a week to a few days ahead of most updates. So I'm going to be taking that time to get at least a month ahead again so I can hopefully work through the rest of the year more easily. I'm perfectly fine with folks deleting their pledges for that month if you need to save up, but I'm also trying to think of some rewards that I can give you guys that are less time consuming if you choose to stay.  I'd love it to hear some of your ideas about what would convince you to stay pledged; here are some of my ideas so far:

  • a physical reward (based on tier) of either cards/prints/small stuff from my convention stock
  • a sketch day each week where I spend a whole day doing doodles based on prompts you guys submit; I could cover some other fandom stuff I haven't really been touching on lately with all the hannigram
  • same as the above but a livestream... tbh livestreams aren't my favorite thing but I can give it a shot if a lot of ppl seem really enthused about it
  • ?????

I'm also considering restructuring my Patreon for next year; I haven't given it a lot of thought yet, but I'm mainly considering reducing some pledge costs and eliminating some rewards. The reason is that I don't have any extra time with my current commitments, so I can't take on any other projects without making my patreon work suffer. And there are some other projects I would really really love to take on. But yeah, if you have any feelings or feedback about this, please leave a comment or send me a message :)

Thanks so much guys!



I would love a doodle day! Fun for everyone involved (hopefully) 😊 Edit* Some time off and some new impulses are very important for any artist to prevent burnout, so it's definitely something you need (probably more than once a year, imo) I won't remove my pledge during 1-2 less productive months. Once I decided to support that counts year round :p


I've said before that you are one of the most active artists I support on Patreon. I'm glad you're going to take some time to recharge and reassess. And I would love to see you just cut loose and have some fun doodling, especially in other fandoms. :) Btw, thanks for the Sweet Bear dolls - adorable!

Megan Noone

I hope you have a lovely January "off" (I'm sure you'll still be busy drawing things but I hope you can relax some to! You deserve it!)


Whatever you decide for January, I'll keep my pledge. You're one of my favourite artist and I'm definitely considering it an investment. That being said, I do love your physical rewards. It's such a treat opening the mail box to find an envelope from you :D


out of curiosity - do you mean other projects as in unrelated to fandom projects? Do whatever you need to grow as an artist! I might remove my pledge for January because for me money isn't that great either, but I haven't decided yet.


I'd love to see unfinished doodles and more tutorials or 'how to draw' things :) Personally I learn a lot from doodles :D


I love the idea of a sketch day, but maybe once a month would be a more realistic time frame. Don't want you to burn out and be too stressed to get new ideas. I love your work, both fandom and original pieces, and just want you to keep sharing your art.


Sketches would be awesome! If it goes that way I'll request some destiel XDDDD


Hope you have a great break! Personally, my favourite thing about Patreon is how I can fund amazing artist like you directly, so I would hate to decrease my pledge while you were gone. But yeah, I received Wayfinding recently and your Sweet Bear dolls just a few minutes ago, and not only is it amazing to receive things in the mail that are not bills, but I also really love your cute packaging and getting to enjoy your work all up close and personal in my hands! On the other hand, sketches might be rad. I mean honestly Reapersun, whatever you do I think it's pretty safe to say that we're gonna love it, because your passion for your work is just as wonderful to see as your work itself. I mean you've create art in fandoms I knew nothing about in the past, and I still got excited because it was *you* that was filling up my inbox with new posts. On the other hand, I'd be interested in hearing more about your plans for restructuring. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy to support you, and if that means I've got to cut down on some spending elsewhere each month, then that's perfectly fine with me. But, yeah, as I said, I'd love to hear more at some point. As always, thanks for doing what you do, and (maybe) more importantly thanks for communicating with us. You can be sure that we appreciate knowing what your plans are and being able to give you our thoughts and feedback.


Can I suggest, if you have the means, more Wayfinding? Or stickers, like a few months back - I think doing doodles or requests wouldn't help you in catching up with your work!


I don't really think I need anything to prompt me to stay, but if I had to choose something I'd like to have happen, I'd vote for a doodle day, livestream or not :3 I hope the time you have off is refreshing. Until then, we'll miss you~


I'd love to watch a livestream of yours some time. I'm pretty curious about your other projects, too~


I'll be here as long as you're here, no matter what breaks you take. Sketches should be super cool as would a livestream of you doing them! No matter what, I'll be here! :D


I was thinking, maybe, if it doesn't cost you more than our pledge and doesn't take too much time (I'm not sure if there would be an efficient system to do this), I was thinking maybe one free item from your Storenvy? Depending on the pledge and such. If it cost too much or is too much effort or too complicated just completely dismiss this ignorant idea @.@. I really have no clue what such an idea could represent money/effort wise and I would hate for it to turn into a burden of any kind to you. (I will still keep my pledge regardless of the outcome, reward or not.)


I don't want you to burn out, so do what you have to do. A live stream or some stickers/ small physical stuff would be nice (although you did mention you're not a huge fan of live streaming). Thanks for giving us a heads up!


I love the sketch day idea that's not livestream! Livestreams are so stressful somehow


I like the doodle idea, I alway like looking at doodles and sketch dumps, the style of the artist tends to come out in an interesting way that you don't get in more polished works.


I will support you even trough your break(s)~ hugs! I just wish there was a higher tier that would allow some of us a bit more privilegies... maybe that's not doable, but I would be so happy to pay you more then. :3


Thanks so much! Yeah, I'm planning to work out a way to take more time off; making hiatus months here and there a regular thing is a pretty good idea~


Thanks! I've been working on so many long term projects that just doing a bunch of random stuff with low pressure sounds really nice haha~


Yeah, I've had a couple interesting opportunities but realized I can't really move forward with anything on my current schedule, so I feel I am missing some things. And no worries, I know there are lots of ppl for who money is tight and will remove their pledges, so you won't be alone! I just hope most will come back in February~ Thanks!


Thanks! Tutorials are a bit time consuming but I can definitely do more roughs and sketches~


True! Maybe I'll try doing one and seeing how stressful it is before I lay out a schedule and everything XD Thanks!


I got so much flak over my destiel art but I'd love to give it another shot sometime haha~ Thanks!


Thanks so much! I'm really glad you're enjoying it~ As for restructuring, I'm considering removing the lowest tier, and reducing some of the other tier costs; I could still update doodles and stuff but it wouldn't be on a schedule, I could just make stuff when I feel like it, but focus on the comic commitments overall. I don't plan on increasing any of the tier costs for stuff I'm already doing, so no worries there :)


True, but shipping takes time too so I figure either one will be about the same level of commitment! I can either spend a few days doodling or spend a few days organizing addresses and stuffing envelopes and going to the post office~ But yeah, I still plan to list more Wayfinding books either way :)


Thanks! And yeah, I'll definitely post more info if I get anything off the ground haha~


The Storenvy is actually run by a family member and so all the merch is in another state and has a whole other system; it would be kind of difficult to set that up since all my Patreon stuff is completely separate from it. But yeah, you're not ignorant, if I ran that shop like a normal person it would probably not be such a hassle haha~ But I still have a lot of stuff in my house that isn't on the Storenvy, which was what I was considering using for January rewards, so it's kind of a similar thing, it would just be prints and stuff instead of books/charms etc. Probably less fun for ppl though since prints aren't as neat as a book, imo~


Any kind of live streaming/chatting/messaging gives me anxiety lol, I don't even really like playing MMOs and stuff haha~ But if it was low key I might be able to do it~ We'll see! Thanks!


Thank you! And yeah, I miss being able to do more doodles and sketches~


Thanks so much! What kind of privileges are you thinking? I haven't really considered adding a new high tier or what I could offer in it that wouldn't be too taxing, so it'd be cool to hear more of your thoughts about it~


You can count on my pledge! Hiatus or no. I absolutely adore your work but it's important to take a breather so you don't get overwhelmed. You gotta remember to take care of yourself! And personally I'd love to see some doodles. It sounds like a fun idea!


Enjoy your month off (from Patreon)! I'll keep supporting you during the break, but I'd love to see little doodles or process sketches while you're away to give us a hint about what you're working on. :)