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Too many! There's too many good ones! So many monsters and big boy requests this month! I'm a mess!!

I'm still deciding if the Jason one is gonna be canon Jason or Junkmix's camp counselor Jason. Does anyone know if Junkmix is like... chill? I keep following artists on twitt and then 2 months in they suddenly tweet awful stuff about older afabs in fandom or about how its cool to harass people if they make problematic content or they post an NFT or something. I don't know who's chill anymore. No gossiping and no hearsay please.

Like usual I don't know if I'll get through ALL of these (I usually do because I have no self control lol) but if not I'll finish them at a later date!



Fae ✨

DO I SPY SLASHER WILL??? I swear, I'm so proud of that original prompt, every time you draw them again I get giddy!! 💕✨


Junkmix is cool n chill as far as I’ve seen! Also super stoked for this month’s doodles


What’s a NFT? Some of this post went m a little over my head 😅 but I am excited for the content!!

Jessica Hausoul

Mmmmmm I’m hecken pumped!!! Sorry people who draw spiffy things are possibly problematic :( hope they pull through and become less so


NFT = Non-fungible token; it's a technology related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology; it's kind of complicated to explain all the details here. A few months ago they were introduced as a way for artists to sell "authenticated" jpegs, gifs, songs, etc for crypto. However a lot of people found out at the same time that crypto and blockchain (and nfts) are currently having devastating environmental impacts. It's also kind of a scam if you're not famous. So currently the artists who are willing to overlook that and sell/support them anyway are basically saying to those of us who don't that they're okay with destroying the environment and scamming small artists. That's just my perspective; if I said any of this on twitter I'd be ripped apart by crypto bros who would insist I don't understand the technology lol.


That has been my experience too, but I only followed them recently so I wasn't sure. I am glad!


Heheh yess I could not resist him this month; it was a very good idea!!


omg I think i see some green knight action in there and I am SO excited


Can’t wait 😩😩😁😁


Ahh these are so wonderful!!! ♡♡ and from what I recall, I think Junkmix is a pretty chill artist! I think I remember her back in the tumblr days where she was really popular for Samurai Jack/ Johnny Bravo ship or any other cartoon network stuff. If any case I think people actually harassed her because some of her Courage Cowerdly Dog art she made and her EEnE art. Other than that, i think she's really cool and her art is stylistic and charming!


Camp counselor Jason will always hold a special place in my heart Also it's so nice to find an artist who think NFTs are shit


Thank you so much for taking my prompt! And Yes, junkmix is very cool. They've gotten a lot of stuff thrown at them for their Cartoon Network ships (CtCD, Dd/Kevin, samuraibravo etc) but they keep on truckin, haha.


Oh wow SO MANY good thumbnails!!!


So excited!


IS THAT THE GREEN KNIGHT ooh and reading back through the prompts, pretty sure I see some monster!Nandor/Guillermo. yes yes yes


They look amazing and HELLO SLASHER CAMP. Also there’s a pirate/period piece I see it looks wonderful!!


Yaaay!!!!! 🖤🖤🔪🔪 can't wait

Christine Tweddle

I follow Junkmix on Instagram (for the camp councillor Jason) And I’ve not seen anything problematic at all. Their Jason/Carrie story line was brilliant.

Christine Tweddle



Oh i'm excited to see where these all are going, I love catching a glimpse of the thumbnails before you start working on your art! ALSO, as far as I know, junkmix has always been pretty cool and chill, the only drama they were ever involved in was because ppl got annoyed/angry at their content (especially the EEnE stuff), without reason cuz honestly I own all their zines and i've been following for _years_ and they sound like a lovely person, never gave me doubt or made me pause.


Also people have drawn counselor Jason fanart before and junkmix has always been nothing short of just delighted.

Perren Wilson