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Hello folks! I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind the past few months; I will keep this as brief as I can!

For awhile my update schedule has drifted all over the place; I used to be proud that I was able keeping it consistent, but I found that over long periods of time, it added a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety to work that I otherwise enjoyed. Since the deadlines were self imposed to give myself structure, I've let go of the consistent scheduling to reduce my issues. I still do my best to post every week; lately, I have been working Wednesday through Sunday, and taking Monday and Tuesday off, so updates are usually later in the week.

I wanted to assure you folks that I still take one thing absolutely seriously: all the pages for the month will be posted that month, no matter how my schedule slips week to week. Otherwise, you can request a refund, and I will give it without question. A standard month's content is, separated by subject/tier:

  • at least 8 doodles
  • 3 pages of The Dirt Crown
  • 6 pages of The Black Lamb
  • 6 pages of This Vacant Body

I'm not sure when or if I'll be able to return to a very consistent schedule, but I assure you, if I start missing these numbers, I'll pause this Patreon until I can sort myself out. I've only missed it unintentionally once, and generally don't have a problem meeting this goal. 

There are lots of folks who have replied to the posts I've made about similar topics with a lot of encouragement and positivity. I really appreciate those replies, and they really help with my anxiety!

However, I wanted to speak specifically to people who feel disappointed or frustrated; your feelings are totally valid, and please don't feel bad for feeling that way. I take the fact that I'm a business, and you folks are giving me money with certain expectations, very seriously. It's not morally right in my book to take money and then say "oops I couldn't finish this month, I'm only human!" 

I'm able to refund up to three months of payments for a patron, when Patreon's working correctly. So if you're feeling dissatisfied to the point where it's making you unhappy, please let me refund you, and don't feel bad for walking away. I would rather lose income than make someone who joined because they enjoyed my work feel cheated.

This post got long, so I'll finish by saying, please let me know if the expectations you had when you joined my Patreon were not met. If I'm communicating something incorrectly, or Patreon's automatic messages are communicating incorrectly, I should know about it so I can attempt to correct it. 

Thank you all!




You take care of yourself bb! I enjoy whatever you put out, whenever you put it out! Don't burn yourself out ♡


You are doing so well! Don't let yourself get too overwhelmed! You've got this ❤️❤️❤️

Brittney Valdovinos

All i can say is take your time but please take it easy. Your health is always first so please dont stress yourself


I am currently struggling A LOT with anxiety, to the point that it has severely impacted my work, so I appreciate your openness. I am consistently impressed by your posting schedule, no matter when they come out during the week! Keep up the fantastic work, and I hope you will feel less stressed without the self-imposed weekly deadlines.

Jessica Hausoul

I consider this a monthly utility, cause there’s something so soothing about supporting people who make great stuff, I will always be quick though to say don’t burn yourself to keep others warm. Thank you for always keeping us updated on your stress levels, and I appreciate y’all immensely. Long post short, lurv u, don’t stress to much


I would like for you to focus on your well being. I enjoy everything you offer, be it a small or big volume or none at all. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent.


I dont mind random updates, it's like a sweet little surprise every time it does update! 🥰


I really appreciate that you are so honest and open with us!! Please take care of yourself!


I think you’re doing great! I’m still very happy to be able to support you, even if my contribution is small. I can’t imagine the amount of stress you’re experiencing, and I appreciate how open and honest you are with us about it. Please remember to put your health and well-being first! ❤️


As much as I love the content, your health is important too. If it helps, have you considered taking a short hiatus? Seeing as how Patreon can give refunds, maybe use that to your advantage. I'd hate to see you stress out even more for not posting. Your fans will understand. Hope you feel better soon.


I'm here ride or die. I love and adore your work. Please take care of yourself, it would be heartbreaking if you got burned out. 🖤🖤 Even if you pause a month, I understand and honestly wonder why you have not given yourself more breaks but that is your choice. 🖤🖤


Been a patron of yours for I think nearly three years now, and not once have I ever felt cheated. Not to say that other people can't feel those emotions, just putting in my two cents to say that I'll be here, and I'm not going anywhere. You're THE smut dealer for myself. You keep up the good work and I'll happily consume anything you put out. 💙


Take your time and do what you need to do! We’ll still be here^^


It doesn't matter when you post it, as long as you are happy with what you are doing. You give your followers already so much, your schedules are your own, think about yourself too! If you need some times off, I would perfectly understand. I hope you will feel better soon.


For what it’s worth I hope you keep a schedule that is healthy for you whatever that means.


Thank you for the update, please take care of yourself first!!


There's always a struggle when you monetize your art, but taking care of yourself and finding that balance ultimately leads to better art. Your work is phenomenal and I'm just happy to be at a place in life where I can support other artists.

Sharon Barela

You deserve a little leeway! Of all the artists I’ve followed and supported you’ve always been the most reliable and consistent artist always hard at work! Quality over quantity and self care are essential. Setting goals is great but, no one needs to be “on” All the time! Hugs!!!!


As someone who suffered a Burn Out twice, I'd like to say that please please always put your health first 🥺❤️ I personally would NEVER ask for a refund from an artist, just because they didn't post a few things, but I respect your own take on it 100%! I am absolutely fine with everything you wrote, of course. Love to you!! x


The amount of content you manage to put out every month is staggering! Take things at your own pace ❤️


Absolutely do not worry!! I'm just so happy to see any updates when they happen, and it makes me even happier to know it's at a pace that isn't hurting you!!!!!!


Listen Reaper, we are all spoiled with sheer vast amount of content you put out. Between all the fully colored NSFW variety pack doodle days content you post, Vacant Bodies regular updates, and Black Lamb, you should be proud of yourself for keeping up with the amount of content you’ve put out. Please, as someone also with anxiety, please take care of yourself! A lot of us will still be here at the end of the day but you only got one body. Thank you for all the grade A quality content, I ain’t going any where and am super please with it all 🥰


I literally only got a patreon to stalk you're lovely art. It's phenomenal, and your amazing for doing so much. I would still be happy paying even with half the amount of content 💕


As someone else already said: I'm ride or die at this point. Even if you only gave us 2 updates a month, I think it's money well spent tbh. I've always loved your art (and have even supported anthologies just because you were contributing). Keep doing what you're doing but also take care of yourself 💛


Tbh you’re an individual not a company I don’t (and really nobody should) expect you to always consistently pump out content like a machine


I think this is great and personally, I always lose track of the days anyways, so when you update (whether on schedule or not) it is always a pleasant surprise!


Patreon allows creators to pause funding for a month, and I've considered using that to skip one, but honestly, the idea stresses me out. While I hope it never happens, I worry about Patreon eventually deciding to remove adult work from their platform, and it's one less month's income I'll have to get me through the transition into whatever I do next. Part of the effects of the puritanical direction companies are moving in is not feeling particularly stable if one's livelihood depends on posting this content. I genuinely stress less about it when I'm working lol. Thank you!


Thank you! I'm sorry you are dealing with that; it's very insidious how anxiety can prevent us from actually resolving the source of the anxiety, such as having anxiety about not having my work done yet preventing me from finishing my work. So frustrating! I'll definitely keep working on my self-care; I hope your situation improves too!


Thank you! I mentioned it in a comment above yours, but I've been thinking about pausing and taking a month off, and it honestly stress me out a bit, due to the unstable circumstances around adult work online; there's a disaster scenario that plays out in my mind of taking a month off and right before I switch it back on, Patreon cuts adult work, and I have less of a buffer to help me figure out where I'd go after that. I really wish I felt more stability on this website, since it would be much easier to take breaks if I was confident I will always have a place to come back to. Sorry for unloading that on you lol!


Thank you! I totally agree; I still feel that I'm working to the best of my ability, but I could definitely see that changing if I continued to be stressed and anxious. Figuring out my boundaries and giving myself breaks has definitely been helping!


Thank you! I'm sorry you've gone through that; I've never experienced a complete burn out but I have felt it creeping up on me a few times. Hoping things get better for everyone in the next few years!


Put your mask on first, before helping anyone with theirs, y’know? To add to the don’t-burn-yourself-out metaphors. Honestly, I’m here for Hannigram and Weddie porn. Everything else is just a cherry on top.


I really appreciate this message your candour ❤️ I definitely want to understand people having difficulties with their schedules but at the same time, I was feeling a bit guilty for being a little frustrated with the timetable slipping because I’m just that kind of person 😅 And I’m really happy that you addressed all of this very well! So, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your work and your work ethic very much.


You are amazing and your are DOING AN AMAZING JOB WITH YOUR PATREON! The amount of drawings and good stories you give us is outstanding and also your health and self care should be first (I'm sure us all think like that) so do it at your pace, take care of yourself and we are all going to be happy with it. THANKS FOR EVERITHING YOU GIVE US!!


I’m just happy to see you work whenever you’re able to post it. Having a schedule is good, but when it becomes stressful, that is bad for everyone. Don’t feel bad about needing to breathe!


you are one of the most frequent posters I subscribe to-I think you're doing wonderful. And your work is always so beautiful. Also I never expect like...a regular schedule from the people I subscribe to? Art is fickle, I love the anti-captialist energy of patron we're all out here building a more humane connectin hoping for quality over quantity and getting closer to artists we admire and are inspired by. so I don't mind how all over your schedule is-each update is enchanting because you love it and I'd hate to see you burnt out by what is clearly a joy and passion. I want to know my contributions go to someone's happiness-not stress <3

Eddie Fly

Ngl I don't really pay attention to the schedule. I just see an update and read. I have unsubed form ppl that didn't have any content at all for a month and never said anything. I like that you are open and honest with us. I wouldn't want you to burn out because you feel you need to keep a strict schedule.

Christine Tweddle



I found you as an artist on Gaia Online and have followed your work ever since. I would pay you for a month off, and everyone deserves that at the least. If patreon somehow does cut adult content, make an only fans where you post links to secure downloading sites to your work XD (lets hope it doesn't come to that) I really enjoy your work and are the most consistent and hard working artist I follow. Cut yourself some slack and do what you need to take care of your mental health. Anxiety is a bitch, I know from experience, but you have a lot of loyal fans who support you. Hope you have a good day!


Please take care of yourself. The comments here speak of what I can not formulate in correct english.


+1 to the entire post above ^. You're a brilliant artist and everything you've produced has helped me learn and grow; I regularly revisit your doodles to do studies, remind myself what I want to become, and enjoy the detail and skill. Please, please take care of yourself and I'm more than happy to help support /that/ every month. New doodles are a lovely cherry on top. <3


Thank you! I really appreciate you sharing this with me; I generally only see frustration in my anonymous exit surveys, when it's too late to talk to them directly and let them know they were heard. It's tough because when my schedule slips, it feels embarrassing, and I don't want to be that artist constantly making excuses for myself. But I also know I need to communicate if I'm not meeting expectations. I hope that this post helped you feel a little better, even if it's not a perfect solution!


Thank you! It used to be nice to have the structure of a schedule, going from a regular job to self employment, so it wasn't a bad idea from the start; I just outgrew it lol~


Thanks so much! I really like your viewpoint on it! At the same time, I know there a lot of complicated psychology in folks' relationships with their money, that I don't want to disrespect; feeling entitled to someone's time just because you paid them is not cool, but feeling anxious that you might have wasted your money on someone who does not feel enough respect for you to give you what they promised is very valid. I think anti-capitalism goes both ways lol, creators need to respect their patrons too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


I love ur work - such great storytelling and ur artwork is beautiful. It's very thoughtful of u to look out for ur readers and offer refunds. However, I'm not going anywhere! I don't mind if the updates r not at the same time each month, it just builds the excitement! I like that there's an order, so I know if I see Dirt Crown, The Black Lamb is coming soon! This is my favorite of urs at the moment. My 2nd fave is The Vacant Body - I don't usually go for works w original characters but this has me hooked and I really care about these people. I hope things will stay at a low stress level for you. Thanks so much for all the fantastic work u share!


"Happy artist - happy patrons" - please do what you need to do to feel less anxious and more healthy! I'm so sorry that you stress over your work not fitting a set weekly schedule and the possibility of Patreon taking away nsfw content. Maybe talk to Patreon? They must comminucate planned changes in their policy ahead of time. And look at your schedule as a monthly unit rather than weekly. I think you've already come a long way with figuring out what works for you, and communicating it to us as a final step is hopefully stress relieving! You can't control how others react, but at least you've been open and truthful on your end. Please take care, and trust in the fact that you're an extremely talented and hardworking artist! 🌺


Thank you! Yeah, I think a monthly goal should be much more manageable! Re: talking to patreon, it's unfortunately not how their site works; they have a community page for creators but rarely respond to anyone there, and they've rolled out several changes in the past couple years that were really unpopular and they would not listen to creator feedback on them. I think this is likely how we'll find out if/when they decide to remove this content, and it's unlikely they'll listen to our feedback about it when it happens, since they already know it will be an incredibly unpopular decision. Honestly hoping their investors eventually bail and they reduce staff to a group of people who want to support adult work and just run the company that way, but usually when startup businesses start taking investor money, the goal is to sell the company. If google or facebook buys patreon, it's over. See, I think about this way too much!!!!


I can't even CHECK patreon updates consistently, much less imagine making them lol. I def see where you're coming from, wanting to give patrons what they paid for--and I can't fault ppl who have certain expectations if they're paying for a service--but at least personally, I understand the need for a break. Regardless, if u do reach a point where ya take a breather, I'll stick around as long as I'm fiscally able.


Thank you for this transparency!


Take care of yourself and do what’s best for you. I personally don’t have any schedules memorised so I wouldn’t even notice if you don’t Post the exact date you normally do ^^ I‘m just always happy when I check patreon and see that you posted something :)