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Hey everyone~

So I already have a big list of fanart I want to draw, from all kinds of fandoms, but I want to make sure you guys know you can also send me suggestions for anything at any time. It can be anything from just suggesting a fandom or pairing to a specific request. I'll add them all to my list and occasionally poll everyone on what they want to see :)

You can comment here with suggestions, or send them via message, or even Tumblr if you'd prefer. Also, always feel free to message me or make a Patron post on my page with suggestions!




Hulkling and Wiccan! (marvel) XD I'm dying to see your style. ♥


If you're into any of Neil Gaiman's work i would love that. Other things like lots of 80s and 90s movies. Moaaaar the last unicorn if you're down with that. Hitchhikers guide. If one of your comics could be about mad max picking up where the movie left off that would be cool. Some canon compliant post season three Johnlock would be cool. Or the Sherlock Holmes movies with rdj or literally any movie rdj or Johnny Depp has ever made. Have you ever drawn whedon verse? I don't know how you feel about him but I love his characters. Might be too controversial. But I would legit love some spangel or fuffy. Scott pilgrim. Roamona and Knives fanart. I won't be mad at ya if you wanted to do rainbow Brite or old school MLP. Also please draw Rey and storm pilot. And ok I think I've suggested way too much so I'll stop now.


My main fandom right now is (surprise, surprise) Hannibal. I also adore your Johnlock works (they are the first works I saw from you), and you have done amazing Star Trek pieces as well. In addition to these, I'l like to see Star Wars: the Force Awekens -pictures/comics (my main interest is Rey/Finn/Poe as OT3), Marvel or DC superheros/villains, or any femslash from any fandom.


So I dunno why, but Captain Jack Harkness just popped into my head. I'd love to see you draw him with...anybody. DW-verse, Hitchhiker's-verse, BBC Sherlock-verse, hell - even Hannibal. (Bonus points if it's with Lestrade!) Although to be perfectly honest, I'd like to see Lestrade with just about anybody too! :)


I would love your style/take on Dorian/Iron Bull or the "DA squad" of your choice :)


I love it when you draw monsters and demons, especially in a fandone setting!


Johnlock of course but, I loved the Palin/Cleese piece you did and would love to see more of that (I have a borderline obsession with The Holy Grail). Buffy The Vampire Slayer would be fun to see as well with all the vampire and monster options.


Werewolves, Wendigos, just monsters in general (I really loved your entry for 13Crown's Ghostbook!). And of course Hannigram.


Maybe one day some Galahad/Tristan from King Arthur? :D


I'm not sure if you've gotten the request, or if you're into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I would be most happy to seeing Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) things in your style!


FINE I'll be the first Weeaboo to comment: One Punch Man? :D;; I am loving the stuff you've put up so far~


Well certainly want to see the obvious fandoms pop up; Sherlock, Hannibal, and Star Trek (you make the new AU worth it). I'd also love to see some of your original designs pop up again (and admittedly in sexy situations) so monster, demons, aliens, etc. And big bonus adorations if tentacles feature at any point in time, no matter the plausibility. :d


Johnlock, Hannigram, some Star Trek! <3 I'm good with anything beyond that point! <3


I'm always down for Hannigram and their AU's.


Desmond Miles/Shaun Hastings from AC Brotherhood, or any characters from the old Assassin's Creed games (before AC3)


Anything Hannigram. Also once I get myself motivated I was going to start a fanfiction with a similar premise to VelvetMace's Johnlock story 'Chameleon' but I was going to incorporate the Sentinel/Guide universe with Hannibal. So that would be cool to see drawn? Will with his spirit guide?


Hi Reaper! I've just arrived here, and I'm very glad to be able to support you, I've enjoyed your work for years. :) A suggestion? You'll find me very boring, I fear, because I'm a Johnlock girl through and through: anything with them, I'm game. :) But I'll enjoy anything you decide to draw.


I'm always happy to see any Hannigram artwork. I'm still going through post S3 blues. I miss the show so much. But personally I'd love to see your take on Poe/Finn from Star Wars: TFA. Plus I'd love to see more of your original characters pop up!


Johnlock and Spirk are always good, also Remus/Sirius from Harry Potter if you're into that. I don't know if you could do it on patreon but it would be cool to see a timelapse of you drawing something. Thanks for doing this! :)


Still on a Hannigram kick-so you have vote for anything related to it. Ever thought of doing something with Mermaids or Centaurs? I blame the odd tics that pop up every once in a while, and haven't gonna over them lol


Yeah! I read a couple good creepy fics of merpeople Hannibal <3 I love centaurs too but haven't seen any good fic for those :( But have you seen CamilleFlyingRotten's StagHannigram? They're kind of like satyrs/fauns in that and I love them and wanna draw fanart for them ;w;


Ah, a time lapse would be cool to make! I bet they have more software for screen recording now... I'll definitely look into it :) Thanks!


Thanks! Yesss haha FinnPoe has been on my list for awhile, they're super cute <3 (I know the rumors are probably only rumors but I really hope they'll be a canon couple TwT )


Not boring! I know a lot of people started following me for Johnlock and I don't want to disappoint anyone~ I have a bunch of AU ideas for them that I never got to draw before, so I hope everyone will enjoy those~


:OOO Send me the link if you write it!! I'm a sucker for Sentinel/Guide stuff omg... Have you read Oddbodies by Toffeecape on Ao3? It's a Sentinel fic where Hannibal is a Guide and Will is... sort of a Sentinel... I don't want to spoil too much haha~ I'd love to read more about Sentinel!Hannibal tho! I want to draw a lot of Hannigram so I'll definitely keep this in mind :))


I'm not very familiar with those games, so I'll have to read some online summaries to understand these characters better, but I'll definitely add it to my list! Thanks~


Sure, I'll do my best! I kinda wanna draw a bunch of monster AUs for various fandoms so, even tho that's not OCs, maybe you'll also dig that :)) I also have a couple original comic ideas with more monsters that I'd love to get into at some point! Thanks~


I've been meaning to watch that anime so I'll definitely add it to my list :)) The animation looks really good and I dig the main character designs hehe~ Thanks!


I've already drawn something sort of Stucky that I haven't posted yet, but since it's only "sort of" I will keep it on my list XD The problem is that I shipped Stony before the movies came out and now everyone ships Stucky and ScienceBros and it's hard ;w; But I'm slowly coming around~


YES I wanna see them rub their sweaty beards together wait fuck that came out really weird


Omg I wanna draw more Monty Python super bad. I'll definitely add Holy Grail to my list :) I also really wanna draw Spike/Angel with their creepy vampire faces >:)) Thanks!


Yeah, it's def on my list! I really wanna draw Sera too, but maybe more like a pinup style, since I have a girl crush on her =w=


Oh wow, I haven't drawn Captain Jack in years! The possibilities are endless... Things would get weird in the Hannibal universe, since he can't die, what would happen if Hannibal ate him...?! I don't think I want to draw that but... I can't stop thinking about it... Oh haha and yeah who is your favorite to pair with Lestrade? I always liked to put him in a threeway relationship with Molly and Mycroft but I don't know if that's many people's cup of tea lol~


Thanks! I'm not sure if I will do much femslash, since it's not usually my thing, but if it's requested a lot I'll consider it! So please feel free to send me specific characters so I can add them to my lists :) But definitely yes to all the rest!


Yeah, that's a lot!! I've added them to my list, but feel free to keep sending me specific suggestions :)) I'd love to draw more 80s/90s movies that people don't draw often haha~ TREMORS FANART.


omg yes! I just finish looking up their tumblr-they do such a wonderful act with Will and Hannibal (I'm such a sucker for Sassy!Will lol) and their style is amazing :D I will tell you now -that even if you had made Will into some creepy vampire-fairy, I will still swoon over your mad skills and humor. You rock my world, darling~


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