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I'm still deciding if this new method of prompts will work out or not! Figured I could toss up this poll for folks who maybe don't feel comfortable sharing their feelings directly.

Obviously still not back to the same speed, even with fewer prompts, but I'm hoping getting more choice over what I'm making will eventually recharge me :) 

Now that you hopefully have a better idea of how it works, please feel free to share your feedback!



I personally have no issue with this so far and I hope you're having a little more fun on your end

Johnny Harlon

I need to see it in action some more before I really know.

Jessica Hausoul

Maybe have people only post on suggestion a month?


My feelings are really just that what's most important for me as a fan of yours is that you're enjoying what you're making. If this new method contributes to that fulfillment, I'm all for it!


I respect you as an artist and think that you should be able to set parameters for how you produce your work that are sustainable for you. You already seem to go above and beyond to communicate with your audience and meet your own deadlines, and you produce a ton of awesome stuff!


I agree that I need more time. I do appreciate in the past when you've done the 2nd chance poll as well. My favorites always seem to be just a few votes shy, so knowing there's a possibility, even if it's not a first choice or even if it never gets picked, is kinda nice that there is still a slight possibility.

Liam Borja

I think the first round was good I like that there are a few restrictions to focus ideas more in one genre of sorts.


It’s great that’s there’s themes it just kinda sucks that you only get to choose ONE which I know for the sake of fulfilling each quota you gotta do. It also can limit your followers ideas because someone may suggest something that’d be cool to draw but doesn’t fit with any of the themes you posted. Not that it should be anything too limiting for us, I think everyone can come up with a unique idea for any theme. But I can see it turning some people away.


All in all I think we just have to see how well this systems works. I like the second chance poll and a wild card category. We know that you, as the artist, ART BE HARD and it can be taxing to fulfill a request that may be challenging.


My only feeling about it is whether it works for you. I enjoy your work the most when you're producing something you want to be doing - and you're still doing a lot of art, and in the genres/fandoms/etc. that we're used to from you. So my main question would be, did YOU like it better? :)


I have no issues, but I would like to see a few more rounds 😘


It's been disappointing sometimes seeing prompts that I liked with a Ton of votes not being included in the final polling/art batch. I think I'm seeing other patrons teeter back and forth between wanting to support your motivations and drive, and wanting to see specific content, too. I think we should see how this goes for a bit? This new system guides us and lets us pick from what suits you, and at least that's more concrete! (AAA i hope that didn't sound stiff or anything!!)

Tyler Woodard

I think I’ll need a few more rounds to decide, but I think I’m still experiencing dissatisfaction with just how much is getting posted of a repetitive nature. I thought this would really narrow down ideas and patrons would convalesce around certain prompts and point out clearly universally appreciated ideas. But we’re back to having 130+ ideas some of which are no more than “I want to see X + Y boink”. Please don’t misunderstand that I want to limit the number of people suggesting- I don’t. Everyone here is paying to do so and should be allowed to contribute. But I do think stricter limits need to be enforced around not just giving a ship name and leaving it at that. That’s not compelling and it’s flooding the comments burying things that others may have appreciated had it not been 50+ comments up thread and thus going unnoticed. As always Reaper, please do what’s best for you. We had an open talk the last time about the changes being made, so I know there needs to be time to adjust, but I want things to ultimately be enjoyable for all parties involved- creator and viewers. 💙


I think it's good that you are structuring the prompts in a way that keeps it appealing and sustainable for you. However, because I'm here only for the Hannigram, I think there might be less of it as we go along with this new prompt method.


I'm for both *I would like to try this a few more times to get a better feel of making a formal opinion, but also, *Ultimately it's your final decision because I wouldn't want you to feel pressured into making stuff you don't enjoy or feel dispassionate about. Honestly my first impression is that I'm fine with whichever method is used as it doesn't bother me at all. I've gotten to experience viewing so much amazing content from you and many of the prompts have allowed me to enjoy little sneak peeks or bite-sized pieces of fandoms I'm not familiar with or even entirely interested in but still enjoy the work you're creating!


I like the themes because it gives some focus to prompts. I wish there was a way for the prompts to be easier to browse, though -- maybe asking that prompts start with the name of the theme in all caps? Or having a min/max wordcount to the prompt so that you get the specificity you want? Also, I wish there was a way to propose themes for the future.


I really enjoyed that round and felt there was more variety and fun this time (Riddick, Hellboy, literally Leonardo Da Vinci). I also think that there were fewer comments asking for things you've already drawn (which can be a bit tiring to read through especially with how comments load on this hell website)? And there might be even fewer of these when people get used to the new format.


I agree with both! I was thinking about "Cowboys" for example and wished it could be its own thing instead of a potential wild card

Eddie Fly

I dont know if you do this already but it would be cool if when you give the second chance that the ones that had less votes get moved to the following week.