August Doodles - Discovery (nsfw, tw body horror) (Patreon)
Prompt - Hannah Hinchman: I would love something NSFW inspired by John Carpenters "The Thing". The Bennings thing find Macready first and transforms him, being partially compromised, such as why Bennings is only partially complete prior to being destroyed. This could also explain why Macready's long johns where found in the trash. Or really just an version of sweet sweet 80's body horror ~but sexy
The Thing has made a series of mistakes that it's not too proud to acknowledge. Its misunderstandings of this world and the importance its creatures placed on individualism was lost on it, until it was Childs, and sat down with MacReady when it was all almost over, and Childs read a look on MacReady's face and somehow, the Thing got it then, that there was another way for it to share itself with this little animal that did not involve fear and pain. In fact, the look that Childs reads on MacReady's face is that it's, surprisingly, more than welcome... MacReady must think it won't matter anyway, that he will freeze to death by morning and the Thing in the shape of Childs will freeze and wait, and so why not indulge the strange impulse? But the Thing knows what MacReady doesn't know yet... That the Thing is a possessive creature, and after this it will LIKE MacReady, and little animals that it likes are not allowed to die.
I did the less specific part of your prompt with The Thing because I've been tryin to draw Thing/MacReady smut for literally years, I had to do it finally u-u Sorry if it's too weird u--u
Content warnings: body horror, monster smut, a big weird scary dingus with a knot, dog Things from the floor scene are involved so there's some vibes there, a bit dubcon, I don't know how to tag all this tbqh