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Hey all~ 

I've decided to skip the second chance poll this month; I decided this month I wanna be really self indulgent with the prompts I pick, and I have 14 on my list already, so I'm gonna stick to that rather than add another wild card one. The final prompt list might be a little weirder than usual in terms of what I pick versus what got votes; I'm sorry about that and hope you'll still enjoy them!

I've been thinking a lot about ways I could possibly update the prompts process. Every month there are sooooo many good ones that I'm probably never going to draw, due to them being fandoms I haven't participated in or don't have passion for, and so many that I really really want to do but can't fit into my schedule, and I feel bad passing on these ideas month after month, which leads me to sometimes take on more work than I ought to.  Originally I only planned to do 8 of these every month, but wanting to make sure I cover as many different fandoms and ideas as I'd like to, I've been ending up with 13 or 14 easily every month, which means they're also being completed later in the week every month, since I do all of the pieces in steps together (sketches, inks, color, etc).

I've been thinking about limiting it to predetermined fandoms and/or topics, and asking folks to label their prompts with those when they submit. And then, possibly, having votes within each topic. I think this could be healthy for me in giving me more control over what I'll be making, plus maybe wasting less folks' time and hopefully disappointing folks less. An added benefit would hopefully be reducing the number of artworks I feel compelled to complete, and possibly leaving me with some energy to do random artworks throughout the month that I just kinda feel like doing. 

However, a negative effect might be that it will limit creativity, or have no effect on the number of prompts I actually pick, as I'll still have trouble saying no to niche things that I'd really like to do. I also worry that the experience will end up disappointing even more people, since you wouldn't even be able to submit ideas that don't fit into one of my predetermined slots. I also know that the voting/competitive nature of the prompts post doesn't feel great for everyone.

On a personal note, I've honestly been struggling with motivation and anxiety while I've been making art lately. I still love the things I'm making and my feelings about that haven't changed, but since I've been stuck at home, I haven't been able to recharge in the ways I normally have, by going out and seeing and doing new things, and spending time in the world and outside of my own head. I considered taking a longer break from work here, but since I wouldn't actually be able to DO anything on that break, I think it would be more hurtful than helpful. I hope this doesn't bring anyone down by reading it. I just wanna be truthful about where I am right now, why things have been a little wonky lately, and why I need to change some things up.

What do you folks think? Too complicated? Are you happy with the current prompts process and fine with the way I select prompts already? Would you be disappointed if I were to limit the topics to particular fandoms/ships? Have you been frustrated with the way I currently select prompts and would prefer I make a change?

Any feedback you feel like providing would be super helpful! Thanks so much!



I'm not frustrated but I understand there being too many good ones lol. Limiting may be good, maybe for a while considering everything that's going on and if you feel like going back to the old way eventually or you think of something new I'm game :) I love seeing your stuff but don't want you to get burned out over it. ♥️ Keep up the amazing work please and make sure you're making time for yourself too ♥️


I like that idea... the way it is now isn't necessarily bad, but it's very easy for the earliest prompts to get the most votes since you end up not scrolling too far when there's a lot of comments.


I think those are really great ideas- allowing a new (or rotation) or fandoms/prompts each month sounds fun. You could even take it a step further- give US some prompts, and see what we can come up with to request (IE: I feel like drawing size kink! Or, what fanatsy thing should I draw this month?) It might be fun to try, haha Honestly- it's your work and effort, and you should be able to choose what you want to draw. I say, let people keep commenting prompts, but don't worry about choosing the most 'popular'- just pick what you want to do!


I think having us choose within predetermined Fandoms is fine! We're asking you to draw the stuff and it makes sense that you should enjoy what you draw. Maybe you could have 1 wild card category and choose a single prompt? No guarantees but it's there.


I think your new process sounds really good! Especially if you think it’ll make things easier on you, I think you should definitely try. I personally like the idea of being able to vote within fandoms/categories since there are some I like a lot more than others.


I just wanna say, your first priority should definitely be taking care of yourself!! I love everything you do, so I won't be going anywhere whether you change your process or not. Please make sure you are comfortable and happy!! Sending you lots of positive thoughts and love!!!!!!! <3


Ooo I didn't think about it but giving us prompts you'd like to draw is a good idea too!


I'm all for taking the risk and changing up the format! I know I'm here for what you do even when it's not in a fandom I like, if you feel like it might be helpful then I'm totally willing to roll with you. letting us know if there's something in particular you'd like to draw that month, limiting fandoms periodically, things like that those aren't bad ideas. And yeah, lots of good stuff gets put in that thread, but that thread gets so long and unwieldy... so yeah! Let's change it up and experiment a little! For goes poorly, I think most of us will probably stick around and let you try something else the next time, etc, until you find a good groove that keeps you as excited and healthy as you can be at this time.


:( I feel you on the inability to recharge hurting your creative process. I've been hitting that wall over and over again for months :( If having an organized/pre-picked fandom/pairing list is a way to help things feel less overwhelming for you, do it! I have a habit of finding a silver lining, and I think it could actually encourage creativity in the prompts-- because if a fandom is unknown or a pairing is eh, there can still be themes suggested you know? Sometimes having a few boundaries encourages people to think outside the box in their requests you know? Stay safe and healthy. I would be so for this new format, and hopefully it helps if you decide to do it. <3


Also piping up to say, I love whatever you do. I'm here for your art, and I often find myself liking things I didn't know about before or didn't know I liked before I saw your take- it doesn't matter to me what fandom or what they're of. I love your original works too. I think if you want to simplify how voting works, only pick what you actually like, or choose your favorite things you'd already like to draw and let us vote from that, that all sounds fine. It makes a lot of sense that creativity is hard right now (I know I feel stuck in the exact same rut) so if you want to do something totally different, I say go for it. Inspiration is tough, it's just the reality of everything right now. Whatever makes you happier and streamlines all of this and saves your sanity would make me happy too :)

Liam Borja

I think limiting fandoms is a good idea. I'm never a fan of upvoted things getting picked over what the artists likes most since depending on how big of a friend group you have on whatever you're on it can make it so those with no or few friends never get their requests to see the light of day. But also it would be awesome to have a little more structure as far as series you're feeling like doing that month, maybe have requests in the one or several series you're feeling that month and maybe the option of tossing out a singular outside of said fandoms or prompt requests that probably won't get picked but could possibly give some inspiration to what you feel like drawing through the month. it's rough right now dude, creativity is at a low for lots of us, but you're doing really well considering, do whatever you can, even if it's just going out to like parks and nature places that have little to no people around and stay safe most importantly! But yeah, the structure idea is an A+


Things happen, you do you my dude. But i do recommend doing some outdoor walking, even if its just around your building or to a park. It will help channel anxiety energy and help process some feelings of tension.


I think whatever you want to do is cool, and personally I never feel /disappointed/ if my prompt doesn't get picked, it's more like I went to a party and there was a raffle and whoever wins gets to pick the snacks for the party, if I win then I get my faves but if I don't I still get snacks and party and that's pretty great 😂

Mister Tiberius

I'm sorry you're struggling with anxiety, just know I support whatever decision you make 100%.


I think having certain criteria for submissions is a great way to get some focus. And if an unrelated idea speaks to you, then let it. You’re still creating either way! Above all, if you try a system that doesn’t work for you, then scrap it and try something different. Feeling good and energized about what you’re making is the most important thing.


I completely agree. I enjoy whatever you make, and it's important to look after yourself and your health.


It is true that when there’s a new fandom it kinda takes the spotlight. Like when everyone got super into the Witcher. Don’t get me wrong, I f*ckin love the Witcher...but, it seemed to get the most prompt spots and I felt like a was seeing basically the same/or extremely similar art for awhile. I really like seeing a variety of fandom promts!


Take care of yourself! Times are tough right now, and I genuinely just enjoy looking at your art no matter what the content is or how much of it there is. I love your original and out-there stuff, so I want to see you doing what really sings to you most of all. :)


I'm always here to support your work, no matter what you're creating. What's important is that you find something that's not going to add more stress to doodle prompts. I have no major claims about the voting polls but I'd much rather have you 100% enjoying the ones you picked if that's what you'd be more comfortable with. I will not mind a change in format at all if that's what you need. You are a priority, and you should feel good about what you want to make.


Do whatever makes YOU happy! I am fine with whatever you end up doing and I know how hard ot is to try and please everyone. Take care of yourself. I know that my inspiration and spirits are higher when I go on a walk outdoors! Just a suggestion. :)


Honestly, please only do what you are comfortable doing! If people get disappointed because their prompt wasn't picked then they need to change, not you. It is your art and your decisions for things you draw, always. We're just here to sometimes give you ideas and motivation! Please take care of yourself, we love your art regardless <333.


Limiting topics/Fandoms would be hard work since you likely have a wide variety and might not be able to cover them all. But, also there is a plus side to knowing your variety and what you're comfortable with. I think organization like that would maybe put less stress on you in the long run. I also hope you're doing okay and I understand everything you're going through in terms of just feeling like by taking a break would hurt you. Just don't push yourself too hard and I hope this ends (or at least diminishes) soon.


Hi! Thanks for always keeping us updated and for being open about how you feel and what you want to do in the future! I always feel like you go up and beyond expectations! My suggestion is to try both? I think a lot of people will be put out with having limited fandoms or genres like you said. I personally like whatever you’re posting even if I don’t know about the fandom myself. I’d suggest doing an every other month style, or a separate ongoing post for open ended prompts that you can look out when you think “I’ll just do one more” or if you’re tired of the genre prompts for that month. I’m not sure if it will be more effort or time to do it that way, but it would definitely give you more control. I think the most important thing is doing what won’t burn you out or make you unhappy! I’m staying no matter what you decide!


I think organization is key here. I find that my anxiety is soothed a bit by me being able to plan stuff out and have all my options before me. I encourage you to try the limited fandoms to see how it would work. If it doesn't meet your needs as an artist then feel free to change it up some. As long as your comfortable and able to continue your work without feeling pressured, I'll be good with whatever you chose.


When it comes down to it, you're the one doing the work so I think it's important for you to find something that works for you. This is the first time I suggested a prompt and I wasn't sure if it was even something you had seen so I wasn't going to be upset if it wasn't picked. However I do think it would be worth it to try limiting fandoms or genres. Even just try it out for a while to see if it works better for you. Or do both? Limit most prompts but have one every once in a while with no limits just to see what other ideas your patrons have? Personally I'm fine with whatever you decide!

Sharon Barela

You do you!! You’re one of the hardest working steady artists I’ve ever seen in this industry. Take pride in your accomplishments and give yourself a break once in a while and draw something truly insane, impossible or daring. We gotta go with what motivates us or else burn out going in circles. Just DO Eeeeet!


Honestly anything I suggest is never considered and that’s fine cause you have a ton of people on here so I really have nothing to offer. I’ll just be grateful for whatever you put out. You do you boo.


I think that having predetermined fandoms or pairings that you'd like to do, and then having people suggest/request ideas within those parameters is actually a fantastic idea. That would actually be nice, for me at least, to know what you feel like doing, and therefore to have an idea of whether or not something I've thought of is interesting to you right now. I don't think limitations or structure hurt creativity (sonnets!). It might also be interesting if you asked people to only submit one prompt, or only submit one prompt per fandom, or something like that. I haven't paid enough attention to notice any favoritism, but it does seem like there are a *lot* of prompts to read through/vote on/etc. Maybe reducing the overall number of prompts would also help.Thank you! Good luck with your mental health in this troubling time. It's totally normal to want to chill or to be naturally less productive when everything sucks, which it currently does.


While I’m totally fine with how things are now, I think you should do whatever you need to do to streamline the process and make it easier and more enjoyable for you. Personally I’d rather see you produce work that excites and inspires you than see you try to spread yourself too thin trying to make too many people happy. Regardless of what you decide to do, I look forward to seeing your art every month and being a part of the general discussion.


Personally I’m here for whatever you post. I’ve been a die-hard fan for five years and that’s not changing! I like the idea someone else suggested of you giving us prompts to vote on based on what *you* want to be drawing, but I think you should do whatever feels like it will help you the most right now. I’m sorry you’re struggling so much. Take care of yourself as best you can, and thank you for what you create.


I love whatever prompts you end up picking, no matter the fandom, so echoing others in saying do what you enjoy. That said, if you want some structure, another suggestion would be to limit the number instead of fandoms. For example, if 8 is the sustainable number, you can have 4 that is just pure voting (and thus probably prone to some of the bigger fandom trends), and then you pick another bunch to open up for "Second Chance" to narrow down to 3-4, and then toss in 1 that is just fun for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Honestly, whatever makes you be less stressed. <333)

Tyler Woodard

Thank you for the open dialogue, Reaper. I have a few thoughts so I’ll make them numbered points below. 1.) I’m all for a change of process, but I am not sure about the fandom rotation. I say this as someone that followed you on social media and eventually Patreon due to your Hannibal work. As much as I love your Hannibal/Witcher pieces, I think the fandoms that get love around here are somewhat... limited. You like certain series and I definitely understand that that is a motivating force for your art, but there are so many fandoms that I’m not sure focusing on just a few will be satisfactory to a wide audience if we’re just going to rotate between three fandoms every few months. 2.) In relation to point #1, I think we have a lot of what you don’t like to draw Reaper as featured in your Doodle Days Rules list. I think we would all be in a better place if you made a master list of what you DO like. I want to know the movies/tv shows/manga/anime/books/etc. that you enjoy and wouldn’t mind making art for- smut or not. I think that would give us all more of an idea of what might inspire you and lead to less disappointment over certain fandom prompts being passed over. It’s what caused my top voted prompt to be skipped because you don’t like Marvel, which I am completely fine with, but I would have liked to have known beforehand before putting all my energy into being excited as I had never had a prompt do the numbers that it did. I knew that wasn’t a guarantee of getting chosen, but I figured it made my chances better and it felt “wasted” when it turned out it wasn’t something that brings you joy. I don’t want to feel like I burdened you with a prompt and I don’t think anyone else here does either. 3.) If we keep to the format of submitting posts, I also have been having a problem lately with people posting multiple prompts. I have noticed that certain individuals the last few months have been posting multiple prompts and having many of them be among the highest rated. While I get some people have many amazing ideas, I think it drowns the thread with too many responses and looks like certain people are dominating the ideas. It should be one prompt per person per month and that is it. Less things to choose from and more voices getting the chance to be heard. 4.) I’ve said a lot, so I’ll stop after this, but I am also for a completely different way of gathering prompts. What if we submitted them via a Google Doc? No one can see what anyone else has said and you choose the prompts you want to do. The doc is only opened once every 3-6 months and you pull from the submitted ideas during the time it is closed to work on the art. That way we aren’t doing this prompt battle every month and you can pick the ones that speak to you without having to feel guilt over picking something that didn’t do the “numbers” of the other prompt. And you could make the releases themed, so still a version of the fandom theme every month. Just a thought. I’m sorry I wrote a lot, but I had a lot to say about this. And I hope this isn’t coming across as some kind of attack, Reaper, as that is absolutely not the intent. I love the Doodle Days and there have been amazing things made, but I do admit that it feels less fun than when I first joined. A fresh start would be good for everyone. We want the best art you can give us and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in response to this thread. 💙


Echoing more than a few to say that, yes, the most important thing is your own well being. Take care of yourself first and worry about other things afterward. Even if that is just going for a walk, talking with a friend or watching some random cat videos on Youtube. As far as the prompts go, honestly, what you do is already pretty unique as it is, allowing people to give you prompts like you do. Many artists draw what they draw and the rest of us are just lucky enough to be able to see it We are lucky enough just to be able to see what YOU draw as well and whether the idea came from a "popular" prompt, a not-so-popular prompt, or no prompt at all doesn't matter, only that you wanted to draw it. With the voting on prompts, that's an indicator of what your subscribers are wanting, but that does not mean that you need to do popular prompts or even that you should. If something doesn't appeal to you, then it doesn't matter how many "votes" it got. Draw what inspires you. As someone that occasionally suggests prompts (but just voted on the prompts of others this month), I don't expect you to draw anything that is suggested, nor am I upset if you pass over a prompt I might have really liked. Again, draw what you want and please don't feel that you have to fill all the prompts because that way madness lies. With limiting fandoms/topics, it might help narrow things down, it might not (I know many of the prompts are from only a couple of fandoms). Something it might do, though, is stop prompts for some of the off-the-wall things you seem to have fun doing. So, perhaps, as what was already suggested, a wildcard slot? Labeling is a fantastic idea and would probably help you sort through things more quickly (not to mention help your subscribers sort though for voting as well). Again, though, in the end it is all about what will work for you and be good for helping you to manage. If the sheer amount of prompts is overwhelming, something a friend of mine suggested when she saw this post is limiting the amount of prompts that people are allowed to submit per month. Some people only post one prompt. Some post six. It might help (and, frankly, again, we're all quite lucky that you let us suggest prompts at all). Honestly, as someone that only voted this month, I saw quite a few repeats that I wish people would have just clicked their vote on the previously posted comment instead of insisting on posting yet another incredibly similar one. Also on the subject of limiting prompts, but on your side, if there is, say, 9 prompts that you liked this month, but only had time for 8, you could take that 9th one and put it on a list to revisit at a later month. Once and awhile, instead of taking any new prompts, you could just work off of ones that you previously liked but didn't have time to do. Or let people vote on the prompts you collected for engagement. Whatever you decide, I am still quite interested in seeing more of your art and, again, please make sure that you are taking care of yourself as best as you are able in this crazy, crazy year.


...I really didn't mean to post a paragraph of doom. I am so sorry.


You are your number one priority. Not only that, you can also try out a new model for a little while and if it’s not a good fit you can go back to the old one. No reason that anything should be set in stone right? I think you have a good base of supporters who will work with whatever you can give them, limited choices or not. I say go with your gut and if it’s not working out you can always switch it back. You can’t please everyone so you might as well make sure to make yourself happy!


Whatever works for ya. This is your playground, your rules. 🖒


Hey Tyler, thank you for the thoughts! I'm still processing everything, but I was hoping to assuage a couple fears. First, I wouldn't limit it to only one fandom per month; the first couple slots could be taken by popular fandoms, since I'd guess by the amount of prompts that a large number of people like those, but I'm going to work on a list of a wide variety of types of topics, other than just fandom, which will allow people to hopefully submit a wide variety of prompts; it will hopefully just direct things a little. I considered making a list of "will do's" but I think that list is longer than "won'ts" and contains a lot of things that I don't even know about yet. Second, I know it's a tough ask, but I really prefer that folks don't look at this as a competition where whoever gets their prompts picked "wins." In the end, I do the prompts that I like, and I know that perhaps unfairly some people's prompts play more into my tastes than others. That's absolutely not their fault. I allow multiples because sometimes folks want to submit a prompt that's more mainstream, but have a second prompt that ends up being more niche and more interesting to me, and I don't want to lose out on those prompts if folks only submit the ones that are most likely to "win." I know I can't control the perception, and I know it sucks to constantly be passed over, and it especially sucks when it looks like your prompt is getting drawn and then I skip it. I agree I could reduce the limit of responses, and narrow the voting like suggested in the comment below yours, which could hopefully help with this issue. I've considered the google doc idea before but it would make life a little harder for me, since I would have to set those up; they're also public to anyone with the link so I could only keep that month's open for that month, since folks who delete their pledges would still have the link if I kept it open for 3-6 months. Doing it in the comments has been so much easier for me. However, once I change the format, if it's not working well, I'll consider switching it up. I definitely agree with you that the prompts threads have gotten too big and that the competitive nature of it isn't fun. I'm just trying to figure out a way to still let folks participate in the selection process every month, but still be able to maintain my passion for the things I'm making. Oh yeah and I definitely didn't read it as an attack! You just brought up a lot of points I wanted to respond to, since I think some of the decisions I make might not be 100% satisfying to you, but I hope you see my perspective on it a bit. I'll do my best!


I really do consider everything submitted! There are just so many that a lot of folks are getting passed over again and again, and I'd really like to fix that problem a bit. Thank you!


I'm definitely considering having a consistent "wild card" slot which will have looser restrictions, or maybe even setting something like a random word or genre that folks can submit a lot of kinds of ideas to. It will be hard to narrow down, but it could be fun~ Thanks!


Yeah, I just wanna try it out! And if it doesn't work, hopefully a better option will emerge along the way :)) Thanks!


I don't vote or submit prompts, I like the surprises that appear. I would say that taking a break, even if you don't go anywhere, is worth it. I was shielding for months and took a few days off here and there to do nothing but watch old Law and Order repeats if that's what I felt like, and it definitely helped my mental health. Give yourself permission to rest


Thank you for sharing your feelings with us and being so open to the feedback. I really like the idea of you giving your viewers more information about what you’re into every month, such as fandoms and topics, your own interests and prompts. It’s great because it opens up a passionate conversation with the audience, something you liked on tumblr, remember? It is also more stimulating to the viewer, since some restriction breeds creativity

Christine Tweddle



I'm not wild about the 'Only Fandoms X, Y, & Z' idea, because I do love it when you draw something for some wildcard little fandom (like the Frankenstein/Creature pic, or your fairytale-inspired smut). B U T What's most important to me, and I think to a pretty sizable chunk of your fanbase here, is that you look after yourself! As much as I enjoy the increased output, I appreciate the increased burden it puts on you mustn't be much fun - if you think this will reduce your workload, I think it's worth a try! And, as others have said, it's nice to see what you're into as far as fandoms and topics go, and what you might have some fun ideas for.


You do what you want to do. Honestly I'm surprised you don't just pick the ones that you like for the month, and then either save some for the next month, and then open submissions accordingly. Also I am here for whatever you put out. Whether that be strictly the comics your working on or doodles, or just updates on you. I think it's safe to say we all want you happy/healthy as much as you can be (given events). If you need a break then you need one. Id rather pay towards some amazing content then an artist that is going through the motions because of pressue. 🖤🖤 everyone needs a recharge.


I am here on Patreon because I like your style and your creativity. I think it's cool that you ask people for ideas and it is fun to see what is suggested and to make suggestions, but use those however best works for you to stay inspired and keep enjoying it. I'm always happy to just see what you come up with.


Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts! Limiting to predetermined fandoms and/or topics sounds good, if it allows you to control your workload more. It's definitely worth testing. And maybe there could be exceptional events (every few months?) with "all you can eat" prompts XD Where everyone gets to get wild on what they prompt. I understand that people can get frustrated when their prompts are not chosen, but I really didn't mind when it was the case for me, as I'm always delighted by what you choose to illustrate :D I hope you get to recharge somehow, good luck and all the best to you.


I'm so glad you felt you could share how you're feeling. I completely understand how you feel about recharging in new places. There are no worries here. Take as much time as you need, we have plenty of great content to enjoy while you have some personal time and I'm sure the things youd like to draw will be great! <3

Jessica Hausoul

Can you do a stay-cation? Have some close friends over, do a safe board game night, and binge somethings you’ve been wanting to but haven’t had the spoons for? Maybe even a bit of a stay in spa time, good candles, a face mask to get all those pesky mask related black heads out, and a good foot soak cause it always makes me feel like a happy jelly fish


Hey Reaper, 1) Take care of your health and well-being first, as everyone else said! It's very kind and brave of you to share your struggles, and I hope you'll be able to feel better soon. 2) I think experimenting is a good idea, even if we end up going back to the first format. In my opinion the most important thing is that you always pick things you truly want to draw and enjoy, regardless of votes and how niche they are. I agree with someone else about the "Wild Card" topic if you do predetermined fandoms/topics. It could be 4 fandoms/3 topics/1 Wild Card a month for example?


The idea of pre-determined choices made by you makes it easier on you. If you want to add additional filters on each choice for folks to narrow it down, then subscribers feel like they have more of a say on your pre-determined choices. You are not the only person experiencing lack of inspiration because you're on lockdown. It's only to be expected and I doubt anyone would hold that against you since we're all feeling it.

V as in Victor

That's not a terrible idea, unless you feel that having submissions every month is necessary. Then you'd never have to feel bad for leaving something behind.


I like the idea of you limiting fandoms/ships/content to what currently interests you, and us voting from there. Or perhaps limiting fandoms and your original content and allowing us to dream up any concepts with those characters. Take care!


i love seeing art that the artist actually enjoys, and i really love your art, whatever you post i’d be happy and grateful for the meal; thank you 💖

Cotton blue

I think limiting the fandoms for doodles is great. I see a lot of comments month after month on stuff you have said no to. There are always new people or people didn’t see your comments in the past. Let people get extra creative in the categories you want to do. I’m sure it puts pressure on you when a suggestion you don’t do gets a ton of feedback. Limit what you’ll do as we are drawn to you because of the comics you have been doing already, so we will still be happy.

Da Manki

Limiting it to fandom is okay. My favourite fandoms/pairings are niche anyway so I don't have much hopes of my prompts getting voted lol.


It does seem like popular fandoms get the lion's share of the attention each month, but I like that you throw in the occasional small fandom too for the doodles. I think if it makes it easier to manage things each month, feel free to do whatever you need to. Limiting what you're willing to draw in terms of theme or fandom is a good idea, that way you're not getting inundated with prompts you're unable to cover for whatever reason. More importantly, please make time for yourself. It's completely understandable that creating anything is hard for everyone right now. There's no need to push yourself if you're not feeling up to it. I'm here for the long haul however you decide to proceed. :)


You should definitely do what will make it easier for you! I started following you for Sherlock and stayed even though I've never seen Hannibal because I love your art and stories. Particularly for these doodles fandom doesn't matter much to me because it's not like you really need to know the characters to appreciate some hot sexy drawings.


Whatever works for you, works for us! Your art is amazing so I follow you even though I’ve never even watched Hannibal, nor am I in the fandom 😅 I’m purely here for your insane art skills!


Your wellbeing is first, so if this idea of Fandom "bins" helps reduce anxiety, makes it less stressful - go right ahead, and thank you. Your original work is the best, so if you have flights of fancy that would get a chance to be expressed and shown to us here - please, go right ahead. I had heard an old saying that rest is in the change of occupation. Always pissed me off because I like my sofa. But, in this case, perhaps, different way to channel your art? Just for yourself if needed, no pressure.


I think no matter what you're doing its going to be great. I'm personally here for the hannigram stuff but I know that's not going anywhere anytime soon and I enjoy your other work too! Just make sure you dont run out of creative juices. Even if that mean shutting off pledges for a month to take a breather and binge watch a show. You deserve it. A few missing comic pages isnt going to break our entire day to day lives. Even though it's a joy to see the new updates. 🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘

Aunt Kwan

I wish I was able to respond sooner. I always saw the Patron doodle prompts as a holdover of years ago on tumblr, when every now & then you'd ask for prompts & just did whatever random thing that tickled your fancy. Some of my favorite doodles have been the result of you just cutting loose & letting the muse take you to the most unexpected places. I'd hate for you to feel like you have to curtail or restrain your imagination and talent, and it really concerns me that something you did for fun has become stress-inducing or overly complicated (or both). This is a roundabout way of saying I want you to do what YOU want to do with the doodles. Continue to experiment with it until you get something you like, and maybe what you like is something more organized or maybe what you end up liking is no structure at all and maybe some months there's only 4-5 doodles and other maybe there's 10 or more and maybe one month it's all from the Krofft Super Show and maybe another month it's only planarium worms or whatever -- I'll still enjoy seeing what you come up with, & I'll enjoy it MUCH more knowing that it's something that you were inspired by or just plain wanted to do instead of feeling obligated or forced.