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Has it really been a year since I reposted the new patron info? The heck???

I repost this info occasionally since Patreon's navigation system sucks~ This is mostly a copy paste of my previous welcome posts; there are some important links and stuff in here if you haven't read it yet! 

First of all, thank you for pledging!

Second of all, please remember not to repost any artworks that you save from my Patreon on other sites! These posts are private for a reason! They are unwatermarked and posted at a larger size because I trust you folks!

I made a post HERE which lists most of the comics I have on Patreon; you'll need to subscribe to certain tiers to read them all. Doodles and extra artworks are still not archived anywhere so you'll just have to dig back through the posts to view all of those; sorry about that! You can use the doodle day tag and the month navigation to view them; most of those are on social media already though! ADDITIONALLY, Patreon added a search bar that will search the contents of posts as well! Useful for searching for ship or character names!

I don't do them anymore, but when I started out I did a number of tutorials and work in progress things which I tagged HERE. They're still an exclusive to Patreon, I probably won't post them anywhere else, so make sure to check those out if you're interested.

The first week of every month is when I post doodle requests; how these work is that I put up a post near the end of the month, and any patron can submit prompt ideas as comments to that post. I choose which prompts I do based on vote count and my personal interest, so it's not a system where everyone will eventually get a doodle. Here is an example post from this month: LINK. 

Here is my posting schedule; this is how I update the other 3 weeks out of each month, generally. I take break weeks occasionally where I don't post anything, since most months have a few extra days that put them over 3 weeks, but I always try to announce those as much as possible. Note: I've had to bump pages back a day or two more frequently during the pandemic, so pages might get bumped without warning, but I'll make posts if anything ends up being significantly late.

  • Tuesday - ($5+ patrons) Original comic; weekly, at least 1 page a week (currently The Dirt Crown)
  • Wednesday - ($9+ patrons) Sfw Fan comic; weekly, 2 pages a week (currently The Black Lamb, a Hannigram occult comic, which will nOT be sfw at the end :)
  • Thursday - ($13+ patrons) NSFW comic; 2 pages a week (currently This Vacant Body)

Finally, if you decide my Patreon isn't the place for you, please consider leaving feedback in the exit survey when you depledge; it helps me a lot!

If you find bugs, broken links, or have any questions, you can drop them on this post, or message me directly~


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:14:09 I'm embarrassed to ask this question but I am very new at Patreon - is there any relatively easy way to read and find your work sequentially without having to till through old posts, or continually click "next" on the threads? I'm ready to sit down and just download everything and make my own PDF so I can actually enjoy without interruption! And I do enjoy it - I'm absolutely stunned at the breadth and beauty of your work, and to find that your gifts as a storyteller are somehow equal to your gifts as an artist. And again; apologies, I am a complete newbie & can tell when I'm asking a painfully dumb question.
2020-07-23 20:19:30 I'm embarrassed to ask this question but I am very new at Patreon - is there any relatively easy way to read and find your work sequentially without having to till through old posts, or continually click "next" on the threads? I'm ready to sit down and just download everything and make my own PDF so I can actually enjoy without interruption! And I do enjoy it - I'm absolutely stunned at the breadth and beauty of your work, and to find that your gifts as a storyteller are somehow equal to your gifts as an artist. And again; apologies, I am a complete newbie & can tell when I'm asking a painfully dumb question.

I'm embarrassed to ask this question but I am very new at Patreon - is there any relatively easy way to read and find your work sequentially without having to till through old posts, or continually click "next" on the threads? I'm ready to sit down and just download everything and make my own PDF so I can actually enjoy without interruption! And I do enjoy it - I'm absolutely stunned at the breadth and beauty of your work, and to find that your gifts as a storyteller are somehow equal to your gifts as an artist. And again; apologies, I am a complete newbie & can tell when I'm asking a painfully dumb question.


Don't be embarrassed! Apologies for my late reply! Unfortunately, currently, I don't have a better setup; Patreon has so far refused to add gallery features which would make accessing and arranging old posts much easier for everyone. The current setup is the best way I could figure out how to make it work. I've been thinking a lot lately about compiling some of my complete comics into pdfs myself, but I couldn't promise anything on that yet. I'm sorry I can't give you a more helpful answer in this case! Absolutely feel free to download anything you want and compile it in ways that are easier for you; I only draw the line at folks uploading stuff to other sites, saving it for yourself is absolutely fine. Thank you very much also for the compliments and I'm glad you're enjoying my work!