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Prompt - Aggie After Dark: More weird cryptids?  The cirein-cròin, a HUGE Gaelic monster.  Straight-up massive, said to be a big sea dragon/dinosaur thing that would disguise itself as a school of silver fish to lure human fishermen in.  But it doesn’t have to eat them once it catches them, right?  👀

The fisherman had saved the monster, by accident, when he'd come upon this secret cove and found a net tangled with a thousand silver fish, and out of pity for their suffering, cut them free. He does not know for sure if this is a repayment, or if the serpent is toying with him, but he knows that each year when he returns to the cove, the serpent will be waiting for him. He has come here since he was a young man, and he will come until he is too old to sail a boat alone, but he hopes the creature will swallow him before then, if that is its intent, because he cannot bear the thought of dying anywhere but in the sea, or of living more than a year at a time without feeling the beast wrapped around him...

I couldn't find a really consistent appearance for this guy so I made him up and made it kinda creepy, sorry if he is too creepy :3 And too small lol

Last one for this month! Sorry I couldn't do the Adoribull one too haha, I'll probably do something else for them eventually~~

Content warnings: monster fucking, underwater sex, weird fish monster sex




I'm all for sea creatures! Especially when they're out hunting for some seafarer's goods 😏 That thing could take me to my watery grave any time!


I really love this concept and execution! Bravo! It's like "The Lighthouse" but just a different island lol

Rizzo Dulce

I have a crush on him😍😍😍


Tale as old as time, the story of a man and his fish monster spouse V___V I love it


Dat monster...I am unworthy of this delicious meal. *Pacha gif*

Liam Borja

love it! love that he's missing a finger, real salty sailor and the monster is awesome.

Oliver Fosten

Love the monster art!!!

V as in Victor

A dick made of fishes. A masterpiece.


DUUDDEEEEE. This is so fucking cool!!!


SO IN LOVE! Thank you for gifting us this meal! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


I... love this so much *_*


The monster is so cute.


THIS DESIGN?! YO?! you went so hard and i love it, god bless you 💕💕


See I never really thought "what would approximately 7-9 semi sentient fish crammed inside me til Im fit to burst feel like" and I find that more than anything I'm disappointed in myself. So big juicy thanks for this ☺️☺️☺️


The fish monster is so considerate, keeping his fisher's head out of water XD

Murjani Tiffany

I'm not familiar with this fandom but this is pretty cool!


It's based on mythology, so not quite a fandom! The monster is based loosely on the description of the creature but it's otherwise original~


There is literally no such thing as too creepy XD if theres a monster down to clown, I'm all for it X3


I think you did a fine job. I do wonder about my brain, though, because the jingle for the Gorton's Fisherman ran through my head when I was looking at this... 0_o