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Prompt - Voracity-Bee: How about a horror take on sleeping beauty? Featuring Weddie. Waylon is sleeping beauty just waiting to be woken up, and Eddie keeps killing all the knights sent to save him so he can have Waylon forever for himself. 

After he saves his life on a horseback ride in the woods gone awry, Prince Waylon makes a promise to marry The Wild King Edward. His parents disapprove, and make a deal with a dark fairy to break the vow by placing Waylon in a magic sleep, until another royal suitor is found. But they didn't anticipate Eddie's tenacity... He finds the secret tower where the Prince is kept, and though his kiss could break the curse, he waits instead for the unfortunate suitors who come seeking the sleeping beauty... When the Prince who promised himself to this monster wakes and sees what his lover has done, will he be terrified... or thrilled?

It felt kinda lazy to make Waylon a typical European prince so I based his robes off Korean royalty, I hope that's alright~

Content warnings: dubcon, fingering, sex with a sleeping person, black and white gore/blood in the bg, no blood is waylon's, size difference/kink




Everything about this is amazing


Totally not into somnophilia. Nope! Me? Pffft! Never! Come on! *sweats* I'm totally not burning up right now! 😳😏💦💦 (This is legit my kink. Somnophilia and invisibility/ghost kinks are 10/10)


It’s the attention to detail that always gets me, you leave NOTHING out and it’s AMAZING.


I’m in love with the Korean style prince Waylon! This is gorgeous!! And /damn/ I think Eddie’s dick gets bigger every time you draw him. 👌💦


I love that you went the Korean royalty garb. It only makes sense to me since the Waylon Park is Korean head canon works. Good for our, honeypot.


Loving the traditional clothes!!! And the ruining of them. Aaaaaaaaaaaah


More of this pls , he looks so good in that Korean outfit


I appreciate the diversity!

Soulless Eden

Somnophilia AND Eddie Gluskin? 😩🤤💦


OOF I'm FEELING THIS, what a great idea!


Well, rah rah, that’s one hell of a marriage bed lol


*swoons* I think you could draw Waylon and Eddie just sitting there holding hands and I'd be over the moon with happiness. <3 <3 <3


Love it!


An incredible take on the Sleeping Beauty tale, and I love that you put in the Korean elements. Fantastic.


This is so beautiful! I love the spin you took on waylon being a Korean prince rather than the usual European take :3 I also love that the whole fucking them while they're asleep thing is technically canon to the story!