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  • 6fanarts_processvid_fin.mov



Hey folks! So, I didn't realize when I started making this that Patreon doesn't have it's own embedded player for videos; basically, if I want to make video posts, I have to host the video elsewhere or get a paid Vimeo account that allows privacy controls and embedding. So I probably won't get into doing these regularly.

I uploaded the video as an attachment, which uhhhh will hopefully work for everyone? I don't know if you'll be able to download/play it on mobile. This whole thing was a learning experience for me lol, I'm sorry it turned out clunky! 

Hope most of you are able to download this and actually view it!!! *sweat* If you have any questions please feel free to ask!




Works for me!! Very cool!! Thanks for sharing! ❤️


I’m on mobile and it downloaded just fine Thanks!🙏


Thank you for sharing! It works fine on my computer. As for sharing the video, what a lot of people do is they will upload the video on youtube as private or unlisted and then share it on their patreon and it can be watched from the feed that way.


I'm on mobile and I was able to download it and play it in VLC perfectly! Amazing, its so cool to see you add all the little details that are harder to notice individually when you see the finished image, I loved this!


Thanks for sharing, I love watching these videos! So satisfying to watch it all come together. 😍


All good on iPhone mobile app, this is so cool and thank you for sharing!

Tyler Woodard

Seeing the process is amazing! All the details- especially the coloring- are fascinating to consider as you see it all come together. Well done! 👏🏼👏🏼