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Hey folks~ I'm gonna keep this as brief as possible, but it feels very necessary and important for me to say it. 

Thank you to those of you who have continued to support me here through recent events, and thank you to those who are joining for the first time, and thank you to the folks who supported me up until recently even if you can't currently. 

It's because of you folks that I have had one less big thing to worry about during this crisis, and which has allowed me to continue making art and keeping my mind and hands busy. Your support has been a tremendous bright spot of stability in my life even before this happened, and I'm so so grateful that you all continue to spend your money on my work, and your time with me. I cannot understate it.

I wish there was more I could do to thank you currently. I've been considering doing a small physical reward, but I don't want to add more stress on the mail system at the moment. Is there anything you folks would really like to see, which I don't currently offer? Tutorials, wips, lineart for coloring, or anything like that? Please let me know! 

I really would like to offer more to help you folks through this as well, since you're doing so much to help me :)

PS I'm making this a public post so that any past patrons might be able to view it as well, so please keep this in mind in the comments!



I've always loved your art. So glad I joined.

Johnny Harlon

Lineart for coloring would be a lot of fun! Coloring’s been a huge stress reliever for me since the quarantine.

Dollia Maraka

Wanted to say thank you too hun. Your comics and pictures have made this a little easier to deal with as well


For me, it’s relaxing to see someone draw. I’d love to see a tutorial or just a livestream of you as you do your work. It’s so calming to see it all happening.


A tutorial would be great!


Tutorials would be AMAZING, and maybe sharing your more SFW lineart so people could try a hand at colors? Up to u if you'd allow posting (with credit of course!). But honestly, thank you so much for drawing and sharing stuff, it really is nice to just see some great art

Eddie Fly

I love the idea of lineart for coloring. Maybe have ppl send it in and vote on the best one. It would also give ppl something to do. And thank you, your work helps get my mind off of things. ❤


And thank you for your hard work! It’s nice to know that one of my favorite artists is still healthy and doing well at times like this.


Lineart for coloring would be so fun! Just seeing your patreon notifications pop up on my phone is honestly such a huge serotonin boost for me in this time. So grateful to have the comforting familiarity of your ever-wonderful work to lean on. Thank you. ❤️


Been following you for a long time. Your art is worth every penny, I think. I would love to see a tutorial of your drawing process. I love your style and wish to incorporate some bits of your style into my own (like them thicc butts and titties 😜). Learning anything from you would be a privilege! 💜


I'm not sure if you've ever said/done anything like this before?? It was probably on your tumblr, if you did I think. But anyway, how do you color things? Like. What program/brushes do you use? Is there a specific process that you go through? I definitely struggle with color choice in my art, as well as over saturation. Any advice/tutorials would be very greatly appreciated! ╰(*´︶`*)╯


Thank you for all your work. Coloring pages might be cool but really your art is a gift.


It would be really nice if you streamed while drawing sometime. I know it's a bit intrusive but I guess you could consider it :)


Thank you for being one of my biggest inspirations, this message warmed my heart. As for what I'd like to see, the coloring linearts and tutorials sound really cool!

no Nah

I am so glad I became a patron , you’re art is always mindblowing! How do you draw ands and feet so well, it’s a big problem for me. ❤️❤️❤️


I've been following you for years now on Tumblr and currently joined here ❤️ your art is fantastic! I hope you are doing well in these crazy times! I would love to see a livestream of yours or a drawing tutorial 😍 that would be fantastic! ❤️ Take care! ❤️


You’re the best reaper. The only thing that matters to me is that you keep doing what you’re doing and enjoying it ❤️😘

Liam Borja

I really hope to be able to keep this up for at least two more months (what I can budget for) and hope this all ends my then and I get to work again...-_-; till then this is one of the things i look forward to


I will continue to support you for as long as I've got the job to do so. Which isn't going to stop any time soon! I wouldn't mind any of the things you suggested, but I certainly like the idea of line art for drawing. I would love to color in some Hannigram fan art while trying to relax haha. But you keep doing you and I will continue to support you.


Your art is helping & inspiring me a lot in the shitty times. I'm hoping that you continue to do exactly what you are doing now, that's the best reward!


I've been thinking about this as well, but livestreaming makes me a little nervous lol; I will look into it though!


Thank you so much for everything you do for us! You provide so much content for the amount that each of us pays monthly. Being stuck at home, it's been hard to have a schedule and a sense of time, but constantly getting new content from you has helped a lot! ❤️ I'd love to see a tutorial on how you plan your illustration, or maybe if you could record your process that would also be neat!


Line art for coloring would be amazing! I need to do some sort of crafty thing, but have very few supplies and I'd love to go back to coloring in line art while I still have access to software through my university.

Kerry Kraemer

So glad that I can support you and your art! I work at a grocery store so life is really stressful right now and seeing your art is a great way to take my mind off things for a little bit!


I'm really just here for the Hannigram; anything else you do that I like is gravy. Don't worry about physical rewards, just keep doing your best at what you do! Why give yourself extra stress? If you want to do extra things, you could ask for commissions, I guess? (At a fair price, I mean; not just for all patrons!) Otherwise, deep breaths and draw what makes you happy!


Hey, artists like you are getting us through this. I'll continue to support you as long as I can. I love the stories you tell. <3 I don't need anything special. Keep doing what you do best!


I've been a long time fan of your work and joining your Patreon is my quarentine luxury. Since I can't go out, let's enjoy my time reading your amazing stories. A lineart for colouring would be great! Hannigram or the sweet boys from This Vacant Body would be my picks. Much love from Spain! Take care! ♥️♥️♥️


I would so be down for tutorials! Coloring pages of pairings/comic art would be really cool too, for people to print off/color digitally while we're stuck at home. Thanks for all that you do❤️


I'm realy happy to have decided to join patreaon to support you because what you do is amaysing !


Line art for coloring would be amazing! Coloring has been one of the few things keeping me sane through this


Aaaaah!!! Thank so much for all the work you’ve already have done and the stuff you are doing and going to do~ I’m interested in some insight to how you do/make your comics, but honestly just you continuing to do what you’re already doing is still the highlight of my day ^^


What about a livestream? Those are always fun! Wishing you and all other patrons the best during this time ❤️


Seeing email notifications about your patreon updates is always a great serotonin boost! As for extra content, I think (printable?) coloring pages would be great. It's a great way to relax and get away from the computer screen for a bit. (I also started reading your stories and they're just as amazing as your art!!) Take care and thank you for all your hard work! xoxo


A Livestream would be something I would definitely enjoy! Take care, these are definitely hard times


I would love to see a coloring tutorial from you! Every artist does their digital coloring a different way and I always like to learn different things about it.


I think we should all be thanking you to be honest. I've been a huge fan of your art for years and have only recently joined patreon, but I think you are one of the absolute best fanartists out there. Seeing your works always lifts my spirits and makes me smile. Even if the characters aren't one of my personal ships haha. So thank you for continuing to share your amazing work with all of us xx that alone means so much to me 💕


I figure that stress levels have been quite high, as of late, yet here you are still drawing. I look forward to each and every single one of your new piece. Thank you so much for adding a bit of bright light in my day.


I will be back as a Patron as soon as I get a new job. ❤️


I think that tutorials and lineart will fit like never before, especially the last, to kill time with benefit)

cecil chop

your work is amazing, and seeing you post something always makes me happy. Thank-YOU for all the fantastic art!!


I'm glad to still be able to support artists and writers whose work I love. Seeing your work in my inbox has definitely been a bright spot. I would love any kind of tutorial from you, especially one about making digital line art? But I mean, really, anything is great. I love everything you do.


Any particular things you'd like to see? I did a few tutorials in my early patreon times but I felt like I kinda ran out of things to teach folks lol


I would love to see a tutorial!


I have some older tutorials which have some color tips but I don't think they're very comprehensive: https://www.patreon.com/reapersun?filters[tag]=tutorial I haven't really updated my processes. The basic answer is Photoshop and abusing the soft light filter lol; I could do an updated step by step if you and other folks are interested. Tbh I'm not big on color either, it's usually the most boring part for me and if I do anything interesting it's usually because I'm looking at references lol~


I'm thinking about it; I livestreamed once or twice many many years ago and found it strange, since I get really up in my head while I'm working. Is it normal for people to talk while livestreaming art these days? I don't think I'd enjoy that part haha~


I feel like I'm still learning hands and especially feet haha, but I'll see if I can share some of the stuff I've learned; maybe doing some hands/feet studies for a tutorial would help me learn more too haha


Blimey, I started reading this and I was terrified it was going in a "...but I'm leaving Patreon forever, goodbye" kind of direction. Phew!

Tyler Woodard

Thank you for all the wonderful art, Reaper! It’s wonderful to see everything you come up with. My idea for a “reward” is not for tutorials or line art (as I am not an artist unfortunately 😅), but something more physical. We already submit prompt ideas and sometimes we even vote on them, but what about voting on merch designs? We could be presented with a few designs of characters/pairs/etc. as charms or pins and vote on the final design. Or possibly having patrons nominate design ideas and we vote from the Top 10 choices? That would be fun to have involvement with the merch process and ultimately get to choose something we would love to buy! 💖


As long as Patreon's running and willing to let me post my weird stuff, I'll definitely be here lol~~ Sorry to give that vibe! I wanted to be serious since it was really important to me that folks know how much it means to me.


Ah that's an interesting idea, I will keep it in mind! Usually my merch process is just me making something I think is cool and hoping other folks like it haha, it would be good to let everyone weigh in and actually pick what they wanna see. Thanks!


I love watching artists progress gifs like showing their creation processes from sketch to line art to coloring to rendering if that’s something you’d like to do. Also thank you so much for your art. Is it weird to say I love getting notifications every time you post becayse it makes my day more fun??


Coloring sheets sound amazing!


but i thank you for soooooo amazing arts ❤️❤️❤️❤️ and i love your way to do stuff and this all, i‘m sure there are a lot of other people think the same way


Your sharing updates and knowing that you're doing alright in these shitty times is thanks enough <3


Oh man, a tutorial would be BRILLIANT. Or just a process video of you doing a piece. I'm so thankful for your art. It's a bright spot in all of this crisis. <3


Keep on keepin' on, friend.


For all the joy and pleasure you’ve brought, this is the least that could be done.


Well the whole isolating thing is...isolating. So maybe a way to feel more connected? Having followed you for years, I know you've got a massive backlog of stuff; you could post some of your older stuff, like a look back in time. Or stuff you never posted before. Or some get to know you posts: art work space, tools of the trade, favorite snacks while you're working. Silly stuff about you. A way to be like 'oh, me too' or 'I should try that' or 'I didn't know you liked that.'

Oliver Fosten

Your usual content is amazing enough that you shouldn't feel pressured to offer extra stuff, especially during such a stressful time as this. I wouldn't say no to physical rewards in the distant future, though, as I loved the free sticker from a while back.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Just never stop making this amazing stuff please!! 😂❤❤❤


<3 your art is the best! I always wanted to get a tattoo designed by my favorite artist. But that's not exactly a "small physical reward" XD


Tutorials would be amazing!💕💕and thank -you- for continuing to make such fantastic art!!!


Honestly, I'm just happy to keep getting art. Tutorials would be awesome, because I'm obsessed with your range of expression


This was so nice to read! Your work is so inspiring so thank YOU for sharing it with all of us. I would absolutely love to see some tutorials on your drawing process - from sketching to lineart to colouring to how you find and use references to expressions - basically anything!


I would love to see you do a small piece of the absolute WEIRDEST thing you have ever wanted to draw. No holds barred. X3 Go WILD.


If you're amiable to it, maybe a lottery for some doodle requests, the type similar to what you were doing for Pre-Orders of Vacant Body?


❤️❤️❤️ be safe and healthy ❤️❤️❤️

Aunt Kwan

When Reapersun gets wild & weird, we are rewarded with some of the most amazingly fun, hot, & cute stuff!


Please please please keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Art is so valuable especially in times of crisis but your life is more so. I would cancel Spotify and Netflix before I canceled my sub to you!


not a tutorial, but a speed paint would be lovely to see. no need for voice over or instruction! but if you recorded your drawing & coloring process i'm sure it would be a calm and entertaining watch for a lot of us :)


Maybe a simpler “where’s waldo” type printable coloring page. Your favorite characters, topics, or patterns for us to color during all this down time.


I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all love you and your content simomtaiously. You're an awesome person and you definetly deserve our support. As far as some ideas for other stuff, I would personally like to see the behind the scenes world building you do for your comics. How do you come up with consistent backgrounds, do you cheat at all during the art process to lessen the work load, do you use references, etc. I just think it would be super interesting and useful (to me at least) to learn about. 💕💕


I love your work and just want to thank you 🥰