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Prompt - themadkatter13: Cryptid-Hunter Will discovering Mothman (Hannibal) is a little more moth-y than advertised... (Hannibal as a variation of Mothman mixed with your favourite moth and some more inventive insect anatomy~ 🦋👀) (I know that's a butterfly but there isn't a moth emoji (yet).)

Will had understood that the monster had persuasive powers, so he carried his camera tight to his chest so that he could start filming the moment he suspected its approach, ready again to pay the price with his body. What he hadn't understood was that the pheromone haze would drive any thoughts of filming from his mind until his belly was full of the creature's eggs and it finally left him alone...

Follow up to: https://www.patreon.com/posts/march-doodles-34694458

I had a version of this worked up that combined it with the prompt for Will as Bigfoot, which is why there's a bit of foot focus in it lol, but then I kinda realized Sasquatch has some Native American history and I probably shouldn't mess around in it uneducated. So Bigfoot will have to wait for another day~

Content warnings: mothman monster bug anatomy, bottom Will, sex pollen/pheromones, dubcon




Just thinking about how fuzzy the mothman is...petting it would sure be fun... 😳

Liam Borja

Ok I'm liking this troves of hannibal crypts that want to fuck will, just good stuff.

Aunt Kwan

Cryptid-hunter Will might have an umpty-ump great-ancestor named Wrut. ^_~


Sweetest little mothman face! ☺️ M

Spiral Phoenix

reaper is blessing us with all the good food


i love how soft the moth's fur looks and also his :3 face ahaha

Tyler Woodard

Will’s booty is just *chef’s kiss*... 💋

no Nah

I love this series where cryptid hunter Will keeps getting dicked down. He must have hella pheromones ❤️❤️

no Nah

Also the little blushi on the Hanni-mothman is 👌

Jessica Hausoul (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:22:18 He looks so fluffy >.< I can just imagine the cuddle puddles ~💛🖤
2020-04-09 11:34:55 He looks so fluffy >.< I can just imagine the cuddle puddles ~💛🖤

He looks so fluffy >.< I can just imagine the cuddle puddles ~💛🖤

Thirtysix (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:22:17 Mothman so fluffy... I can only imagine how cute and squishy the baby caterpillars will be! Even funnier if they were the ones that eat clothing &gt;:3c
2020-04-10 06:06:26 Mothman so fluffy... I can only imagine how cute and squishy the baby caterpillars will be! Even funnier if they were the ones that eat clothing >:3c

Mothman so fluffy... I can only imagine how cute and squishy the baby caterpillars will be! Even funnier if they were the ones that eat clothing >:3c