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My "April Fools" tradition has become to draw something wild that I really wanna draw that no one would ask me for and so this year I drew some Goku/Vegeta DragonballZ smut, April Fools :D

When this v*rus stuff started I needed some real comfort fic so I went wayyyyyy back to my teenage years and maybe my first slash ship I ever read fic for lol. Unfortunately all the fic I read then was on webrings and yahoo group emails and is probably gone forever, and there isn't that much on Ao3, so I was a little disappointed, but it was still fun~ If you guys got any sources for good Goku/Vegeta stuff off the mainstream sources pls give me links, I've read pretty much everything on Ao3 literally lol

Fun secret fact, I made a slash doujinshi/zine when I was a teenager for Goku/Vegeta and I sold one copy over the internet to a stranger; I don't have the files or any copies of it anymore and I both hope for and dread the possibility of that it ever reappearing lol~ Truly original OTP~~

Content warnings: MUSCLES with a hard C, bottom Goku, Vegeta has a big D, biting, it's special saiyan training :3333




this is so amazing. those tiddies look PLUSH


This is so random and wholesome! Teenage fandoms ftw.


Muscle bottom Goku and big dick Vegeta are two things I didn't know where missing in my life and which I now require to live


Fffffff the sound I made was guttural, you even perfectly drew Goku’s stupid, cute face and Vegeta looks like he needs five naps, which is my headcanon. God, I bet Bulma watches because only she could build a room these two wouldn’t utterly destroy. The first time was to accurately record the structural integrity of the place and everything after was funsies. Whew, I’ll see myself out now!


😍 so hot!


I swored to myself; no you're not gonna watch DB yaoi because it's your sweet childhood. And then I met this pairing. Shame on me


my spouse was JUST talking about dbz like 5 min before this posted and i was in the midst of nostalgia when i got the alert. insta-slap of "i didnt know i'd ship that and now here i am!"


OH MAAANN. I Literally thought about asking for DBZ stuff this month and didn't figure you'd be into it. <3 What a beautiful surprise.

Olivander Addams

I didn't even know we could request DBZ BUT NOW THAT I KNOW THIS!!!!!! HHNNGGGG bless these pictures and thank you so much


Ah yes childhood memories. I'm loving all of this!!




Have you visited myreadingmanga?


*mops up drool* I was hit with a Smitty blast from the past. Them muscle tiddiieesss.


I love this so much


Omg my childhood 💕🙈 i used to obsess over a very NSFW DBZ picture way back and this composition really brought back those memories with a hammer 🤣 thank you 😆


Fanfiction.net is where I read this pairing first but I haven’t been on the site for years...

Tyler Woodard

I CAN’T! I had no idea you were an anime fan (or at least a DBZ fan), Reaper! And the way Goku’s titty is squishing in the first pic is just *chef’s kiss*. This is perfect and that’s saying something as DBZ slash is not something I am normally into. P.S. This is the ONLY kind of April Fool’s Day prank I will except. Period. 👏🏼👏🏼

Liam Borja

hell yeah! dat Goku tiddy!


Well good flippin' morning to me! 🤤❤️👍


Omg yes!!! It's been a long time but I love this pairing ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Aaaah!! What an amazing and unexpected gift this is today!!! Love these boys.


OFT plz make more!! Goku/Vegeta is a fave past-time as well!


if i find any good good i'll pass it along to you


T-tiddy... 🤩


I am kind of in love that Vegeta left his gloves on :) this made this wonky day so much better


YES I LOVE THEM (i was shipping them back when i was 15 XD)


Oh man Goku/Vegeta was the ship that got me into slash waaay back when. I love this a lot!!

Ether Z

Goku has such gorgeous man boobs👌🏻✨


I feel like returning to comforts of our youth has been a good strategy! This is SO cute, haha! What a good tradition.. and what incredible drawings! Vegeta is so proud that he's bigger.. finally #1!!!


Absolutely glorious! Why are your men always so hot? Why do you draw the best dicks I’ve ever see? Just amazing 😍😭


well the jokes on you, i ship them and i love it <3


Gloves, shoes and scars are very nice details!! And comfort fic is so comfortable, it's the best


This was my original OTP as well back when I was a kid. It's nice to see it--really has that nostalgia aspect to it. Thank you!

Aunt Kwan

I absolutely adore all of the expressions! For the boys' sakes I hope Chi-Chi doesn't still have her blade-helmet.

Olivander Addams

Also, it's a small thing, but I /love/ that they are essentially holding hands


HOLY COW, I would have been requesting this from you ages ago if I knew you shipped it! One of my very first mlm ships and I love it to this day; sadly there's very little content ;A; I really like these pics btw!!


My goodness, those man boobs are just *chef's kiss* fantastic!

Rizzo Dulce



Goku's surprise face is so cute!!
