February Doodle Day - Toss a Coin (nsfw) (Patreon)
Prompt - Voracity-Bee: Modern Stripper Witcher AU! Take “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher” a little more literally with exotic dancer Geralt. Rich kid Jaskier is Geralt’s very enthusiastic regular patron/composer for Geralt’s performances. 🎶 💵
Today is Witcher day because Witcher prompts got a lot of votes and also I wasn't able to draw Geralt/Jaskier when I first watched it and so all this smut just kinda spilled out uncontrollably, I'm very sorry if you don't like Witcher, tomorrow will hopefully be more your thing :))
I wibbled on which version of this to finish while I was sketching and decided I'd do some teeny edits and include both~ Poor Geralt~
Content warnings: stripping/nudity, jaskier is doing a little sexual harassment maybe