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Hey all! I was on the fence about whether to offer these again, but I feel like it's pretty unfair to have mentioned it before and then decide now not to do it. So, I'm accepting preorder doodle requests for Vol 3! However, this is going to be the last preorder doodle session I'm going to do for awhile. I like doing them but it took me something like 4 months to actually get them done last time.

Preorder doodles are specifically for folks who bought This Vacant Body Vol 3 during the preorder period, which has already concluded! I'm very sorry I didn't plug it more, but I'm very tired!

You must be a current patron when making the request, and you must provide a pic of your book. You can put it on social media, in my "community" tab, or on a private host and just link it to me. 

If you don't have your book in hand yet, you can still contact me; we can negotiate! 

Preorder doodles are a little smaller than my standard doodles and will be less complex; please keep requests simple! I'm up for just about anything, including fandoms I'm not in, OCs, etc, but if your request is something I'm very uncomfortable with, I might ask you to choose something else. These are digital only; I'm not sending prints or anything like that.

To make a request, please send me a private message with the link to your book pic and your request! I'll put you on a list and get back to you soon. If you need to cancel your pledge later and I still haven't sent your doodle, don't stress; as long as you met the qualifications at the time, I'll still draw your doodle~

I'm unsure if I'll get to these for awhile; fulfilling physical rewards are my highest priority right now, and the holidays are coming up, so it might take me a month or a few to get to them. 

Thank you to everyone who bought this book! I hope you're enjoying it!!

OH YEAH PS! Here's links to my previous preorder doodle posts in case I forgot any information; those old rules mostly still apply~





I bought the preorder knowing you might not do the doodles, because I like the story! I'm happy that you are! Thank you so much!


NO I MISSED THE PREORDER?!😭 This is the first time I've missed it.


When did the books ship out? I preordered mine a few months ago.


Got mine as of yesterday and it said it was 2 day priority so I guess friday


Oh no I'm sorry! I should have plugged it more, I think I only promoed it once ;w;

Liam Borja

will message when my book gets here.