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Sorry for the spam posts today! 

This is just a quick test post, mostly for myself, to see how using the image gallery feature might work for nsfw images, rather than using an attachment. Most of the reason I use the attachment is so that the full nsfw image doesn't pop up in folks' emails or on screen if you click through in public, so depending on how this looks in email, it could be a new option to more easily display nsfw pics, since the current attachment process requires a download on most browsers, but I don't know how most folks are viewing them and whether this might actually be a downgrade. I could potentially include both a gallery pic and an attachment, so if this feature doesn't work well on mobile, for example, perhaps I can do both for awhile. Also, if this pops the full nsfw image in your email anyway, then it's not an option at all lol~ 

Let me know what you think! 




It's just the thumbnail so it should be perfect!


I don't know if you're welcoming feedback, but this is so nice for me! I'm not comfortable downloading NSFW files onto my phone, so I always have to wait until I'm home with my computer, and the instant gratification part of my brain is so sad about it 😂 This is perfect, it shows up great on my phone!

Bitty Dragon

Seems like this will work. If you wanted, you could post multiple images at once this way, especially if you had done multiple pieces in the same fandom, for example.


It works great! we just see that first thumbnail image in the email which is perfect when checking my phone email.


I really like how this works, too. I have that same uncomfortable on my phone issue, so this is amazing.


Yup, feedback always welcome! Yeah haha I hate the download, my own downloads folder is full of my own downloaded pics because I always doublecheck that I've attached the right image after I've posted it XDD I would really like to switch to this method!

Eddie Fly

Is there only one picture or are there more? I only see the thumbnail.


While I like this idea, I did get a full (if tiny) version of the image right on my screen. I don't have a problem with the current way you do it :)


I like it!


Omg this is way better than how the app used to do it. Looks great!


I absolutely love it, though so people don’t get the nsfw on the dash maybe post the cut off image a couple times so the nsfw ones are pushed out of the thumbnail? I honestly don’t mind either way, but for those that do perhaps?


Aah, thank you so much for this change! Downloading was never our favorite.


I much prefer this to downloading! And I only see the thumbnail in my email on my phone, so that is great.

Sharon Barela

I pretty much assume my phone is ‘dicks out’ 24/7


Super prefer this over downloading, works great on my phone browser! I'm fine with the tiny preview over the possibility of sharing the nsfw downloaded pic with someone on accident.


It's perfect! Now I don't have to download all these dicks for my niece to find when she snatches my phone 🤣


Would that be a deal breaker for you? I figure it's small enough that at a glance most people wouldn't be able to tell what's up if they glimpsed it over your shoulder, but I don't know everyone's set up and I definitely don't wanna do something that will end up being more trouble for a lot of folks. Someone's suggesting including multiple previews to move the main image off the page, which would be a lot of extra image uploads, but if it would help some people I could try that?


Thanks for the suggestion! It would be a lot of extra images, which Patreon might not be crazy about, but I might try this if a lot of folks want a completely sfw browsing experience~

Jillian Venters

The gallery addition works great for me, and I prefer it to downloading the images.


I think I prefer downloading to this personally, as there is still a thumbnail of the NSFW image right underneath...


Oh, thank someone. This is so much better; I HATE having to download everything.


definitely prefer not to download :)


I’m still laughing over “sports” XD


I love this format! This is a neat idea.

Aunt Kwan

I love this new feature! P.S. Well now that wuffie is just so dang cute.


Somehow I'm the opposite of most of the other situations: on my phone, I never had to download the fullsize to see the photo, I could click the link and view it through my web browser. But on my computer, the only way to see fullsize was to download. For me, this system works better, as neither way do I have to locally save the image to see it. Thank you!

Caden Hein

This works on my phone (android) but for some reason not on my iPad?? I dunno if this is an iOS vs Android thing with Patreon hmm (I prefer viewing images on my iPad- larger screen, but I'm more likely to use my phone because I don't TAKE my iPad with me everywhere!). It also does give me the small thumbnail sized preview of the second image -although it's so small, it's impossible for me to make out the detail on my phone, so even if I WAS worried (I'm not) I don't know if anyone looking over a shoulder or seeing by accident would be able to tell either. (The preview thumbnail thing isn't a problem for me, honestly, but I did see that someone else had mentioned it, so, it isn't isolated I guess) I do think I personally PREFER this over image downloads, but also, I'll be just fine with whatever you choose to go with in the future!


Does not work on iphone app 😖


Read through earlier comments, updated app works yay