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Edit: Just a little bump to remind folks to submit/vote on their favorite prompts before Sunday! I'll be pulling prompts then and putting up a second chance poll :)

Hey all~ Putting this up a little early so folks have lots of time to get their prompts/votes in before the end of the month!

Just a little reminder that I was pretty serious about making just the one Good Omens art so I probably won't make more this month! I still haven't seen it because I watch hardly anything anymore lol :P

The rest of this is copy-pasted from last month so feel free to skip if you've read it all before~ If you're new to prompt posts then please make sure to read through!


How it works: submit prompt ideas to this post as comments throughout the week, then I'll select some of the most popular ones and some that I really like, and I'll draw as many as I can in 1-2 days (between 6-8). Then I'll post them throughout the week. Please make posts by next Sunday; posts submitted after that can't be included, since I've already selected and started drawing by that point.

I do NOT look at names or show preference to certain people in this process. I DO show preference on the kinds of things I like to draw. I may avoid things I'm not comfortable drawing or which I don't have good ideas for, despite the vote counts. So this isn't the kind of thing where everyone will eventually get one, just because it's not going to be possible. But I hope I do make stuff that you all enjoy :))


  • I will NOT draw: het, NSFW f/f, incest, or underage. I will also probably not draw trans NSFW because it's a delicate topic and not one I feel equipped to handle. You can read more about this here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26288444 
  • Some frequently requested things I will probably NOT draw because they just aren't really my bag: pairings that interfere with a pairing I prefer, VENOM, Detroit: Become Human, SpaceDogs, Kingsman, Yuri on Ice, Mystrade, Mormor, NSFW of TAZ, Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers (the coffee AU has drained me on that front), teens/kids AUs, fanart for fics (not because I have issues drawing fic fanart, it's just something I prefer to choose to do on my own), DC superheroes, drag queen AUs, AUs that may be culturally appropriative (unless you are from that culture and equipped to educate on what is and isn't okay).
  • I will also not do art for stuff I haven't actually seen yet; my only exceptions are things like the Madancy AUs (Basic Chicken and Char/One-Eye for example)
  • I WILL DO: besides Hannigram etc, I also like weird stuff, obscure stuff, old stuff; I've drawn Monty Python and Tremors smut as well as some weird ABO and snake smut so pls feel free to request unusual kinks and old 90s movies. Also I almost always yes to NSFW monster AUs.
  • Keep in mind if you do not specify, then I may draw your prompt either SFW or NSFW; if you specifically do not want it to be NSFW please say so.
  • These are doodles; I don't let myself spend more than a couple hours on each one, so I can't do very complicated things with them; please try to avoid requesting very complex ideas, or ideas that would require multiple drawings to convey. 
  • Please be specific. The idea of a good prompt is you are trying to put an image in my head that I can't resist drawing, but still gives me flexibility to interpret it my own way. Please do not just request "more johnlock" or "more gamer au" etc.
  • If you are making a request you aren't sure about and you specifically want to know if it's something I am willing to do, please ask me!
  • Please make requests by Sunday; by Monday I've already chosen and started drawing requests so any that are put in then won't be considered, sorry!
  • Multiple requests are allowed, just please be reasonable about it; also consider splitting different requests into different comments so it's easier for others to vote on them :)

Also, please look through the other prompts people submit on these posts and upvote the ones you like! Even if I don't pick your specific one, I might still end up doing one that you'll enjoy. Plus you could get me to do something I wouldn't normally pick if a lot of people vote for it hehe~ Click the heart beside a post to upvote it~


Jessica Hausoul

I’m having a crappy day (my Iritis flared up) could we get some smexy Spirk and a look at the team the HP cast made for D&D 💛🖤


would love to see some spirk mpreg I love the slave au you did which was awesome. maybe a alliance marriage which only works if an heir is born?


Can we have more of the character from last month’s prompts- the one with the great ass and multiple sets of arms? I admit I just want to see how...creative he gets with all those extra hands during sexy times. Him banging one of those beasts that were shadowed in that same prompt would be great- or maybe another character of the same multi-armed species. :D


Idk if you've seen The Expanse but if so I'd love some Holden/Amos. Holden sitting on his bunk in his black tee and half undone jumpsuit look, only this time the jumpsuit's a bit more than half undone, Amos between his legs.


i would love to see your version of ardelia and clarice together! if you didn't have anything already in mind i headcanon ardelia (or clarice) being played by tessa thompson!


More Hannigram Wendigo ABO with their pups or maybe the Mermay fry! Teaching them to “hunt” perhaps?


More Lestat and Louis porn star/streamer AU! What about a SFW-ish piece of Louis accompanying Lestat to an adult video convention or something, where he gets a little jealous/possessive after seeing all the attention Lestat is getting from his fans, and that leads into some NSFW banging that Lestat /totally/ wasn’t planning on happening 😉😉

Bitty Dragon

I would still love to see more Outlast D&D AU! How do Eddie and Waylon get together in that AU? What do they do?


This might be too obscure but I saw that you liked Prospect on twitter so....... 👀 I would love to see something nsfw with Pedro Pascal's character and his friend/gimp (lol).


Avatar the last air Bender au with hannigram...or more specifically Hannibal and Will bloodbending their victims into submission

Ether Z

What about one of my favourite kinks ever? FROTTAGE. Will and Hannibal go to the opera following their next target. And well... Hannibal just can't resist the temptation of a bloodthirsty and well dressed Will, they will follow that rude pig next time, now with the background music of "Requiem in D Minor" by Mozart it's time to come in their pants!!


Classic all out PonnFarr Spock and his beloved captain James T. Kirk. The plan was for Spock to be bonded/married to Uhura, but things went wack and Kirk is accedentally bonded and taken by Spock, in front of an aghast starship crew and vaguely offended Vulcan officials.


Steve Rogers (Captain America) x Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Tony Stark (Iron Man) Sweaty threesome where Tony is the ultimate bottom. I'd love it if Tony is the Omega of the two Alphas. Cheers x


If I may, I'd like to request Billy and Steve from Stranger Things.~ Perhaps the boys are at the beach in honor of summer, using Billy's surfboard for unintended activities; whether it's on shore or out on the water? They can be as human or as 'Upside Down' infected as ya like. ;] NSFW or SFW are totally cool.~


I know you’re not crazy about Stranger Things, BUT...Alexei and Murray should have gotten to have the best damn American road trip there was. Secrets exposed! Corrupt regimes dismantled! They could have had it all!


I’d love to see more Louis/Lestat. Maybe Lestat lets Louis use different toys on cam? Or they’ve bought a bunch of new toys that they try out in front of their viewers! 😁


It was supposed to say: ...lets Louis use different toys on LESTAT on cam! 😅


I know you said you probably wouldn’t draw it because it interferes with Hannigram, but it’s love to see your take on Spacedogs. If not, then I second the request of Hannigram Avatar the Last Air Bender au.


Something dark/elegant/suggestive with David 8 and his xenomorph/neomorph creations?


More grown up Shinji and Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion


Stranger Things Season 3 Billy/Steve. Feel like season 3 brings some tentacle/monster fucking potential to the ship.


Dr. Strange and whoever. Preferably thor or stark, and preferably nsfw, but I'll take whatever! 😀😀


Kind of a strange request but I know you like DnD and I would just love to see a size kink Halforc banging a Halfling! It could be reimagined as any pairing you like or just some OCs but yeah. If you’re feelin it haha


Since Rutger Hauer has gone to that great Tannhauser Gate in the sky 😢, how about something nice of him from Blade Runner or Ladyhawke? Or artists choice from his filmography, he did some lovely weird shit (I'm looking at you, hobo with a shotgun) 💓


Jim is pregnant with his and Spock’s baby. I would really love to see Bones delivering the baby. Bonus- Prime Spock and Jim are there for moral support.


May we have a Spirk or Hannigram Labyrinth AU? I'm not picky, but I just kinda need it in my life.


The aftermath of Jon Snow getting knotted by Torbjorn would be nice. Maybe them bathing in a hot spring together, while Jon seems to be pregnant and against his will i feeling horny and Torbjorn while a bit sheepish is erect as well.


Never really seen this ship here, so probably not likable, but how about a rare moment of tenderness between Frodo and Sam, as they're travelling to Mordor/Mount Doom. I always liked them, Sam especially. It can be Nsfw if you want


D&D type suggestion here; feature a very good reason as to why you don't split the party. Maybe an adventurer getting in over their head with a (sexy) encounter of a dangerous monster, or a whole lot of goblins or orcs. Bonus if they reunite with the party with some love stuck monster pet. Bonus-combo, he and the monster(s) are starting up a family.


How about vampire!hannibal punishing/spanking his naked human pet Will for trying to escape. Will can’t help but be a little hard from the friction of his master’s lap. Maybe some bite marks and a red slapped butt?


would love honestly anything Garak/Bashir! Maybe finding Julian's best color by indulging in a sensuous fuck over the fabric sample table? The very pretty doctor surrounded by very pretty fabric, and Garak's (very pretty? 👀) alien dick.


I definitely feeling something Avengers (as per usual) whatever pairing you feel (I would prefer Tony Stark/Stephen Strange or Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes) and NSFW. Maybe a post Endgame hurrah


Well while I would absolutely love more Good Omens content, I respect your wishes...you should absolutely watch it though. But I'm gonna stay on my bullshit and request: Metalocolypse/Dethklok: Charles Offdensen/Nathan Explosion Cause there is just not enough out there.


Also Frostmaster. Cause Goldblum.


More a/b/o jonmund maybe? With Tormund actually knotting Jon & Jon absolutely loving it


I've recently re-watched Cornetto trilogy movies from Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg. I'd love to see both of them (being any of the characters) hanging out, having some beer, probably with some very drunk conversation going on. 😂


It's summer and there's a beach at the edge of my state (CA) so howsabout an ocean encounter with random character of your choice and a merperson or kraken, or some kinda water monster. I'm way happy with NSFW if you're feeling it, but you do whatever your Muse wants, if you like this notion at all. Whatever you end up doing, my prompt or not, thanks! :D


I'd love to see Charles and Arthur from Red Dead Redemption 2 enjoying their time together outside camp, may it be NSFW or not :]

Jessica Hausoul

Didn’t know I needed a thing and now I do, Will would have the hugest strays >.<~

Tyler Woodard

Remember when you didn’t have Orc f*cking in that one chapter of “The Dirt Crown” and we were all sad? Let’s rectify that. And I wouldn’t mind if the Orc was the bottom. ;)


Dragon Sherlock seducing John (could be a Hobbit, don’t care) and it’s working. NSFW cause horny dragon dick. 😂


Laumė (Will) meets Pinčiukas (Hannibal). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Lithuanian_gods_and_mythological_figures


Or just Will/Hannibal Rougarou meet while Will is a cop.


Thorin being a professional dancer at a strip club working while bilbo watches blushing


This will be a bit weird but I've recently seen 'Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile' and since Haley Osment was playing there, it got me thinking of Kevin/Cole AU... like maybe Kevin gets caught and Cole visits him as often as possible and it's all sweet, or some nsfw in the visiting area after they bribe the police guard :E

Liam Borja

I'm still gunning for some salty near NSFW art. Either that or some red dwarf nsfw

Da Manki

that scene in stranger things where sheriff hopper gets tentacled+plus nsfw and possible mpreg?

Tempestt Parham

Count Hannibal Lector has always enjoyed hunting especially when he gets to see Hound master and games expert Lord William Graham because he gets to have his way with him without others bothering him.


And just fyi, in night at the museum 2, jon bernthal plays Al Capone. And Alain chabat plays napoleon.


Or alpha Eddie in a rut and crazy bride waylon "running" to rile up her groom. *general crazy au or cabin in the woods setting


I know Sidon’s baby legs are upsetting...but also shark dick (hoohaha)


Peter B and Wade being cute, sitting at the top of a building, watching the skyline

Sharon Barela

Not sure if any of these will grab your muse... but I’m a pretty rabid Jared Harris fan nowadays: Chernobyl, The Terror, The Expanse, Mad Men... he’s also got some role coming up in the next Marvel film I’ll have to drag my ass to. XD anyway ... would love me some sweet tenderness between The Terror (Season One) Captain Francis Crozier (Harris) and his very sweet steady steward Thomas Jopson who has infinite patience for the cranky ol’ Irishman. If you haven’t seen the series a quick google of “Terror Jopson” brought up a lot of their scenes. *meep* and yes, already exhausted all the fanfic of this nature. Looking for something sweet and intimate - captain’s close quarters - sewing a brass button on the Captains Dress Blues perhaps, a kind hand smoothing back an unruly lock of hair. It’s my birthday today if that helps nudge this one up. XD


Will Graham making Hannibal watch the movie Serial Mom.

Liam Borja

Ok, two. NSFW SALTY BEAR. lol. Second. Just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio's characters are super in love. I need dude bro drunk NSFW or like lude fluffy love


Jonah and Esh please!!! Possibly more kinkier??


I'm in a very soft mood, I was thinking of soft!HomeSense with the family? Like... how would Kevin bond with Lynn? Maybe both of them embarrassing Cole with comparing pictures of him, Kevin having several folders on his phone dedicated to his bf/husband? Or maybe Cole w/the McCallisters? That moment of him admitting he's an only child and thought siblings would be pretty neat, cue hugs and all that from everyone? I'm spitballing but you know! Soft HomeSense boys if that's your fancy :)


I would love Kevin and Cole to meet the murder husbands. So many ghosts in one place....


Please I need mindflayer Billy or science experiment Billy


i just finished song of achilles, so i'd love to prompt something tender but smutty with achilles/patroclus! maybe achilles coming back to their tent after a raid, covered in blood, waking patroclus with a sweet kiss - the juxtaposition of his violence and his tenderness...!


I know it's a bit late for this post to gain much traction but I was rereading your Want section... Were you ever in clex/Smallville fandom? You said older/obscure stuff. There was some wieeeeeeerd alien anatomy stuff in old Smallville fandom. Often as first-time Clex, where Clark has very little experience, and figures he'll learn from very-confident-and-experienced Lex. Clark being huge and sweet and oblivious and having straaaange and unsettling anatomy, while lex tries not to panic, tries not to Scare Clark or make him feel different/inadequate/wrong, and in controlling his own surprise/panic is suddenly concerned because he's of a sudden SUPER InTO the very strange anatomy.


Super random, but have you seen the Miike Snow Genghis Kahn music video? Because it's so cute and I really just want some of the spy/villain to be imagined. Whether it's cute and cuddly or fucking... though I will say, I'd love to see the villain in garters on their wedding night, with the spy in a 007-esque tuxedo. I know this is so random and late to the game, but I thought I'd ask :) <3


Can we get more mind flayed billy and Steve please!!!


So I’m writing this Good Omens fic where Crowley is a merperson and Aziraphale is a sailor or pirate. Can we get them having some “fun in the sun”??