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"You don't look full Klingon. What are you, half human?"
"Half betazoid, actually."
"Oh? Haha, they're telepathic empaths, right? Can you tell what I'm feeling right now?"
"Kid, I don't need telepathy to tell EXACTLY what you're feeling..."

SurprisinglyOkay requested some Jonah/Esh in the Star Trek 'verse :))

I wibbled on whether to just make them humans in starfleet but it was too tempting to make them aliens~ Esh is half klingon and half betazoid, tho he has little telepathic ability, and Jonah is a bajoran merchant whose family escaped bajor before the cardassian occupation, so he doesn't really live by most of the same rules as other bajorans~~  I liked that DS9 focused a lot on bajorans having a religious/faith-based culture, I haven't watched ST in awhile but I feel like that was pretty uncommon in ST, so that's why I thought it'd be a nice pick for Jonah, as a guy who wants to be down to earth but maybe experiences visions and stuff sometimes since his people are so spiritual~ It's been an age since I watched it tho so maybe there are better picks!

Note: these are doodle requests for preordering This Vacant Body volume 2; I'm no longer accepting them, but I might try to do them again for future volumes! 



Jessica Hausoul

This is terribly cute >.<


Uhmmm now I just need more of this tho 😭


Y e s 💫


Can this....be canon?

Liam Borja

Oooh I love it!


The blushing cheeks awwww ❤️❤️❤️


Ooooh! Me likey! ^5