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Prompt - Natalie C: Summer checkin with Kevin and Cole? Porny ice cream eating vibes maybe

Prompt - Emily K: I would love to see some Kevin/Cole in the summertime. I feel like its always snowing/Christmas when you draw them (obviously bc of the source material) but I would love to see how they do in the sun. Can be either SFW or NSFW. I am so grateful for your Inktober 2018 and your portrayal of them both.

"I thought you said 'man-buns' were goofy."

"Not on YOU 😚"

I was thinking about whether Cole would wear hats or if he'd do anything with his hair in the hot sun and thought that he probably wouldn't unless Kevin helped him :)))) Sorry it didn't end up smuttier! It almost got there lol~




😍😍 they’re so cute




I'm dead. You killed me. The colors are so bubbly and soft, the expressions are killing me... it's just such a snapshot into the everyday, like these little moments that an onlooker wouldn't care about, but are super important for couple... I live for that. It's so cuuute. Kevin's smile is so great especially compared/put up against Cole's softer expressions. <33333333




Frick, this is so sweet. Kevin's face as he takes care of Cole's hair...this is truly so lovely.


I love how you've created a ship and now I'm like, please give me more. I need it.



Jessica Hausoul

Do they Pokémon together? It feels like something Kevin would convince Cole to do


They’re so cute!


Awwww they are such a cute couple!


Awww! This is cute and sweet. <3


Adorable! I love every single thing you do for this pairing. :D


I'm seriously warming up to this couple (like dangerously fast) and it's all thanks to you! 😀


I absolutely love this.

Aunt Kwan

I just adore how you depict their interactions. These are the sweetest damn couple! One of the things I really love is that Cole seems very aware & self conscious of how in the eyes of the general populace, a hot guy like Kevin 'deserves' someone equally 'hot' and shouldn't be with this pudgy nobody. But Kevin seems completely oblivious, I think he might be surprised that anyone would think that. P.S. I feel that you should never have to apologize over whether something is porny or not. Your slice-of-life scenes are a joy & make me want to hug complete strangers.


i wonder what cole would look like inna v neck tee. probably really cute.


So sweet!! I love Cole's shyness